Interior brings eleven ETA prisoners closer to the Basque Country, including one convicted of killing a girl in Santa Pola

The General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions, dependent on the Ministry of the Interior, has communicated the approach to prisons of the Basque Country of eleven other ETA prisoners, among those convicted of attacks such as the one in Santa Pola in which the girl Silvia Martínez died or the one perpetrated in the T-4 of the Madrid-Barajas airport. One of the ETA prisoners transferred in this new batch is Andoni Otegi Eraso, who will leave the Logroño prison to go to another designated by the Basque Government, competent in the matter after the transfer of the central Executive. He is one of the inmates of the terrorist group who has participated in the confidential restorative meetings with victims. He has sentenced more than a thousand years, according to the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT), for crimes such as the murder of the councilor of UPN José Javier Múgica Astibia in 2001 and the one committed against the Santa Pola barracks in 2002, which ended the lives of Cecilio Gallego Alaminos and the girl Silvia Martínez Santiago. The one in Santa Pola is one of the attacks that is still under investigation to identify the masterminds. Recently, a Civil Guard report pointed to six former ETA chiefs and the National Court imposed precautionary measures on Mikel Antza and Ramón Sagarzazu, ‘Ramontxo’, for the death of this 57-year-old citizen and the six-year-old girl. The minor, The daughter of a Civil Guard agent, she was honored posthumously on September 29 with the medal of the Dignity and Justice association. As the material author of the car bomb in front of the Santa Pola barracks, Andoni Otegi Eraso, ‘Iosu’, and his commando partner Óscar Celarain Ortiz, ‘Peio’, were sentenced. They also approach the author of the T4 attack According to the dependent agency of the Ministry of the Interior, another of the ETA members approached the Basque Country –from Dueñas prison– is Martín Sarasola Oyarzabal, convicted of the attack that cost the lives of Ecuadorian citizens Diego Armado Estacio and Carlos Alonso Palate by the car bomb in T-4 of Madrid-Barajas in 2006. There is also Harriet Iragui Gurruchaga –currently in Logroño–, one of the terrorists who was sentenced for the sequence of ETA attacks that killed José Martín Carpena, Luis Portero García and Antonio Muñoz Cariñanos. Asier Arzalluz Goñi will leave Logroño prison to go to another in the Basque Country. He is serving a sentence for killing the civil guards Irene Fernández Perea and José Ángel de Jesús Encinas, as well as for the murder of Máximo Casado Carrera and trying to kill the socialist deputy Eduardo Madina, a criminal action perpetrated by another of the ETA beneficiaries: Iker Olabarrieta Colorado. Two ETA members extradited from France to Basque prisons are also approached Among the terrorists approached there is also Julen Atxurra Egurola, sentenced to 32 years for his participation in the kidnapping of José Antonio Ortega Lara or killing a policeman in 1986, as well as Beñat Aguinagalde Ugartemendía, in his case for the murders of Isaías Carrasco in 2008 and Ignacio Uría a year later. The same thing happens with Gurutz Aguirresarobe Pagola, author of the attack that killed Joseba Pagazaurtundua in 2003, or Beatriz Etxebarría Caballero, who He is serving a sentence for the attacks against the brigade Luis Conde de la Cruz and the national police officer Eduardo Antonio Puelles García. Among those approached s to Basque prisons are also two terrorists handed over by France. They are Itziar Moreno Martínez and Iratxe Sorzabal, the latter a former ETA leader in provisional prison sentenced for the double attack in 1996 in Gijón on a pharmacy and the Palace of Justice. Interior has decided to transfer her while waiting for the sentence to be final.

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