DIRECT. War in Ukraine: Putin offers Erdogan the creation of a “gas hub” in Turkey to export to Europe – franceinfo

Find here all of our live #UKRAINE 3:28 p.m .: The Parvis de Pau welcomes until December 10, 2022 the exhibition “Photographing war”, by Eric Bouvet. A rare testimony in the first months of the Ukrainian conflict. Franceinfo culture tells you more here.
(France 3 OCCITANIE) 1:57 p.m .: Vladimir Putin today proposed to his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan to create a “gas hub” in Turkey to export gas to Europe, at a time when Russian deliveries to the European Union affected by sanctions and leaks from Nord Stream gas pipelines six additional Caesar guns. These weapons are “important” but Russia “still has an immense arsenal” and its “advantage is still there, in terms of missiles”, reacts on franceinfo the Ukrainian journalist Tetyana Ogarkova. Read his interview here. 1:09 p.m.: Time for lunch and some reading. Here are three franceinfo contents: Does France provide major support to Ukraine? Are we dependent on hydrocarbons exported from authoritarian countries? Can the recession be avoided? In “l’Evènement” on France 2, Emmanuel Macron answered many questions and made a series of statements. Franceinfo has decoded seven of them. A resolution on the “illegal” annexation of four Ukrainian regions by Russia was approved by the UN yesterday. In detail, 143 countries voted for it, while five countries opposed it and 35 abstained. Here is the voting map. Radio France’s investigation unit and the “Complément d’Enquête” program on France 2 have joined forces to investigate the underside of the awarding of the 2022 World Cup to Qatar. They take you behind the scenes of the lunch at the Elysée Palace that changed everything. ‘Ukraine. “Information on (potential) victims is being clarified,” said Viatcheslav Gladkov, the governor of this region, on Telegram. November 12 in Los Angeles. Franceinfo culture tells you more here.
09:58: Russian forces lead an offensive towards Bakhmout, a city in the Donetsk region, which they have been trying to conquer since August. The pro-Russian militias claim (in Russian) to have taken control of two localities, Opytné and Ivangrad. 09:13: After the United States and Germany, France should deliver defensive equipment to Ukraine. Emmanuel Macron was content to mention “radars and systems with anti-aircraft missiles”, without further details. It could actually be “Crotale” missiles. France has twelve and could give three, according to figures from several military analysts. Explanations. 9:13 a.m .: Here are the main headlines: The strike in the TotalEnergies refineries has been renewed “by a very large majority”, according to the CGT. Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of the Economy, believes that TotalEnergies must “increase wages”. The group announces an “exceptional bonus”. Philippe Martinez, the leader of the CGT, repeats that employees are asking for a 10% increase. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne today begins political consultations in Matignon on the controversial pension reform. Two years after the assassination of Samuel Paty, teachers and students will honor the memory of the teacher killed by a radicalized young man. The anti-terrorist investigating judges ended their investigations last week. The UN General Assembly condemned with an “overwhelming” majority the illegal Russian annexations of Ukrainian territories. The locality of Nikopol, in the Dnipro region, was again targeted by strikes, for the second time in 24 hours. At least one person was injured, according to presidential adviser Kirill Tymoshenko, who mentions in particular about sixty rockets fired. Ukrainian territories by Russia. The resolution was adopted with 143 votes for, 35 abstentions and 5 votes against (Russia, Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Nicaragua). This vote sends a “clear message” to Moscow, welcomed Joe Biden, President of the United States. (ED JONES / AFP) To read also Related topics

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