The owner of Teplárna openly: They send us nonsense, they spit on our door, He himself could not hold back tears on the press! –

VIDEO Press conference of the owner of Tepláreň and other representatives: The owner claims that the killer waited in front of the business for tens of minutes, the LGBTI community is in shock. “I feel great sadness and great pain. What happened yesterday is terrible. It was an elaborate execution. The killer came, waited there and shot two people at close range,” said Roman Samotný, the owner of the Tepláreň business in Bratislava, in front of which the killer killed two young people on Wednesday evening. “I am horrified and want to emphasize that this is a deliberate attack on the LGBTI community, on the security of Slovakia, on the security of each of us just because of the way we were born,” he pointed out. Photo gallery (5) Source: / Ján Zemiar They are afraid to open the business, now we certainly can’t have fun, he added. The future of Teplárne, where the LGBTI community has been meeting for a long time, is unclear. “I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but out of respect for the murdered, it is unthinkable for me to continue having fun there. The wound is so huge that I can’t imagine us continuing this. I can’t imagine that we would have a coffee together there,” he said. Photo gallery (5) Source: / Ján Zemiar They meet with zero respect every day Samotný does not hide his anger at politicians. “Every week they send nonsense to Teplárna, spit on our door, scratch off the rainbow sticker. This includes top politicians, who have been consciously and deliberately working against us for a long time. Last week, there was a proposal in the National Council of the Slovak Republic by deputy Gyimesi, who wanted to delete the rainbow flags. 44 deputies said yes to it,” he pointed out. “Blood is on the hands of all those who have been angry against us for a long time, but also those who remain silent. They allowed the act that happened to happen yesterday,” he added. “I call on the current government and the prime minister to take concrete steps, we don’t want stupid talk again,” said Samotný. “What is our government doing? Many ministers use homophobic vocabulary. They call us a culture of death. They think we are evil and should be killed. This is a message to the whole society that these people have no right to exist,” he pointed out. As informed by the director of the Inakosť initiative, Martin Macko, they are organizing a memorial event on Friday. It will start at 5:00 p.m. on Zámocká street in front of Teplárňa and the procession will go towards Námestie SNP, where several guests will perform, including Bratislava mayor Juraj Droba and mayor Matúš Vallo. Photo gallery (5) Source: / Ján Zemiar The owner of the heating plant openly: They send us nonsense, they spit on our door, He himself couldn’t hold back tears on the press!

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