Sánchez responds to Feijóo about the CGPJ: “Assume that you have to comply with the law and the Constitution”

With the crisis in the Judiciary open to the channel and in full negotiation between the Government and the PP to renew the CGPJ, Pedro Sánchez has once again demanded that the popular from the rostrum of Congress comply with the law and the Constitution. It is the requirement that the president sets in order to reach an agreement. Sánchez had not referred to the matter in his first speech during the plenary session where he announced a new package of energy saving measures, but in the reply he did speak about the matter in his response to the Podemos spokesman, Pablo Echenique, who had asked to take measures if the popular ones continued with their blocking attitude. “Hopefully we can reach an agreement”, said Sánchez who wanted to emphasize that twice the Congress has knocked down the PP’s proposals to reform the election system of the members of the General Council of the Judiciary. According to the president, these initiatives were rejected not only by POSE and Podemos but by a large majority. Accept the democratic result and assume that you have to comply with the law, that you have to comply with the Constitution (Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister) This was his response to the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who one day after meeting with Sánchez in the Palacio de La Moncloa affirmed that the president had agreed to change that model for the future. The president defends that he has always transferred the two presidents of the PP, -both Pablo Casado before and Feijóo now-, that they be “democratic.” “You accept the democratic result and assume that you have to comply with the law, that you have to comply with the Constitution, and, therefore, I believe that the debate is substantiated in a single sentence: whether or not the PP wants to return to the 1978 agreement”, he emphasized. Sánchez wondered what this government has done to suffer “the greatest blockade, the biggest constitutional crisis of the governing body of the judiciary in the last forty years of democracy”. He himself has responded by stating that he will “win the elections”. At that point he has again asked the popular to accept the result of the polls and the composition of Parliament.

1 thought on “Sánchez responds to Feijóo about the CGPJ: “Assume that you have to comply with the law and the Constitution””

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