The price of gasoline and diesel breaks with the falls and rises this week to more than 2.6%

Despite the rebound, both fuels remain far from the highs they reached this summerThe average price of a liter of diesel in Spain remains above that of gasoline for the ninth consecutive weekWith the 20-cent subsidy, the price of a liter of gasoline would be of 1,511 euros and that of diesel, 1,656 eurosThe average price of fuel in Spain has cut this week with the downward spiral of the last month, which had led it to chain five weeks of falls, and has risen to more than 2, 6%. Specifically, the average price of a liter of gasoline has risen by 2.08%, to return to above 1.7 euros (1,711 euros), according to data from the European Union Oil Bulletin. In the case of diesel, it has registered a rebound of 2.65% compared to last week, after four consecutive falls, to stand at 1,856 euros. Despite this rise, both fuels remain far from the maximums that touched this summer, when July gasoline reached 2.141 euros and diesel 2.1 euros. Likewise, gasoline remains below the levels prior to the entry into force of the aid of 20 cents per liter approved by the Government at the end of March –1.818 euros per liter–, although in the case of diesel it exceeds that level — 1,837 euros-. In addition, the average price of a liter of diesel in Spain remains for the ninth consecutive week above that of gasoline, with a gap of just over 14 cents. This average amount of both fuels includes taxes , but it does not reflect the discount that came into force since last April 1 of at least 20 cents per liter, since there are higher discounts, depending on the oil company and the promotions for loyal customers. With that subsidy, the price of a liter of gasoline would be 1,511 euros, while that of diesel would be 1,656 euros, in both cases clearly lower than those marked at the end of March, before the entry into force of the aid. and n these last few weeks, fuel prices continue to be especially high compared to recent years at this point in the year. 3% and 24% more expensive than a year ago In this way, compared to the same week of a year, collecting the subsidy, the price of a liter of gasoline is 3% more expensive than a year ago, while in the case of diesel the price is 24% higher. These figures are recorded in an environment of high prices for raw in the current context, marked by the war in Ukraine. However, this Thursday the barrel of Brent, a reference in Europe, was trading below 93 dollars, while the American Texas exchanged around 87 dollars. The price of fuel depends on multiple factors, such as its price specific (independent of oil), the evolution of crude oil, taxes, the cost of raw materials and logistics and gross margins. In addition, the evolution in the price of crude oil is not transferred directly to fuel prices, but rather with a temporary offset. EU levels With these levels, the price of unleaded gasoline of 95 is maintained in Spain for below the average of the European Union, located at 1,799 euros per liter, and of the eurozone, with an average price of 1,852 euros. In the case of diesel, the price in Spain is lower than the EU average, which It is 1,901 euros, and also that of the euro zone, with a price of 1,932 euros.

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