Fuel shortage: what are the priority vehicles at gas stations? – BFM TV

There are no national regulations on the issue, each department sets its own rules. Endless queues, tensions and fights… The shortage of fuel in service stations generates many difficulties for the French and in particular for the professionals whose car is the working tool. Certain professions nevertheless have priority and have the right to cut the queues. At the national level, it is obviously the emergency services that are considered a priority everywhere. They also often have pumps reserved on site, avoiding them having to go through service stations. doctors, nurses, orderlies, pharmacists, home helpers; the police, the gendarmerie, the prison administration, customs; funeral directors; roadside assistance services; emergency response vehicles (Enedis, GRDF, etc.); Each department sets its rules Beyond these professions, there is no national regulation on the issue, each department sets its rules. In Pas-de-Calais for example, the list of professions concerned is even broader: security services, emergency services, medical personnel, contracted VSL and taxis, undertakers, emergency vehicles from ENEDIS, GRDF, motorway companies, and roadside assistance. In the Oise, this list is on the contrary reduced to the minimum concerning in addition to the security services, health professionals on presentation of proof. Just like in the Somme where only emergency vehicles are concerned. medical and paramedical personnel have priority queues but from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. In Val-d’Oise and Seine-Saint-Denis, several service stations have been requisitioned to facilitate access to priority vehicles: firefighters, ambulances, police , customs … In Essonne, we chose a system of dedicated queues in around forty stations but the device was stopped because “complex to implement, especially since Sunday”, indicated the prefecture to BFM Paris Île-de-France. The Vaucluse has made the same choice for the vehicles of the national and municipal police, the national gendarmerie, the customs, the SDIS, the Samu-Smur, the private ambulances, the liberal and hospital doctors, the nurses, midwives, physiotherapists itherapists, school transport and garbage collectors.Other professions want to be included in the listOther professions ask to be included in these lists. The National Union of Taxis called on Monday for priority access to all gas stations in France. In coaches, Flixbus wants its vehicles to be considered priority. For its part, the Federation of Nurses is calling for requisitions from service stations, considering that priority queues still generate queues that are too long for a profession that has schedules tight meetings.Olivier Chicheportiche Journalist BFM Business

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