Rufián puts conditions to Sánchez for the Budgets: “Comply with what is not fulfilled, improve what was promised and foster a climate of trust”

“Do you think that something can be negotiated in this way?” asks the Republican spokesman to Pedro Sánchez, focusing on those indicted for October 1. Rufián speaks of repression and recalls in the gallery all the independentists who have pending cases due to the ‘procés’ He denounces that the Budgets are the most militaristic in history and denounces the breaches of the Government in Rodalies and the blockage of the housing law The appearance of Pedro Sánchez in Congress to explain the measures against inflation and the last European Council has served to test how are relations with ERC after the departure of Junts from the Government and the need for Pere Aragonès to seek new alliances in Catalonia with the PSC to continue in the Generalitat. The Government needs the support of the 13 Esquerra deputies to carry out the General State Budgets and Gabriel Rufián has set his conditions from the speakers’ gallery. ERC is not going to make it easy. “Moving forward with ERC is very simple,” said the Republican spokesman. “You only have to do three things: comply with the unfulfilled, improve what was promised and foster a climate of trust. That your word is worth something,” he added in reference to the commitments on the dejudicialization of the conflict in Catalonia. That is where Esquerra is going to focus, on the repression that in his opinion continues and on the prosecuted pro-independence supporters that are still indicted for the referendum of October 1, 2017. From his seat on the blue bench, Sánchez listened to the demands of Gabriel Rufián, who also has asked that taxes on banks, electricity companies and large fortunes be accelerated and intensified and that food prices be capped: “Less advertising and more legislation”. repression has ended and that the Government is committed to dialogue” Rufián recalled that in Catalonia at the moment there are 7 people “exiled and persecuted” by 1-O, 1,500 pending fines and indictments, 9 partially pardoned political leaders who cannot stand for elections, 15 mayors convicted for opening the polling stations that day or 54 people persecuted by the Court of Auditors. He has also referred to the people who continue to be spied on with the Pegasus program.”Do you think that something can be negotiated this way?”, Rufián asked Sánchez. “What is your word worth? Do not do this to please the people of Catalonia, do this for democracy”, he snapped at the president. The breaches with Catalonia For the rest, the Republican leader has denounced that the public accounts are the most militaristic of the history. In this sense, he has ironized that what he does not know is whether the Budgets “will be the most social in the history of humanity”, the message that the Government has transmitted since it approved them in the Council of Ministers. In this sense, he maintains that the The coalition government complies with the military, but “it never complies with the social” and has exposed its string of complaints. Of the 1,200 million euros promised for trains in Catalonia in 2022, he has denounced, only 191 have been executed, only 16%. “Today in Catalonia there are a lot of people who get up worried about whether they will get to work at Rodalies,” he said. He reproaches the Executive that these trains are the only thing they manage and has criticized that it sounds like a “scam” to have a free transport pass but stay thrown. The municipalities and the housing law Rufián has made reference to the fact that the Budgets increase transfers to the municipalities by 2%. “It sounds great but it has a catch”, he has lamented because the Government forces the municipalities to assume the rise in the salary of civil servants up to three and a half percent. “The councils lose out with these Budgets”, he concluded. He has also mentioned that the Government promised to approve a housing law to regulate the price of rents. “Where is he? Gentlemen of Podemos, where is he?” he asked. For Rufián, the greatest lever to carry out this law are the Budgets. Finally, the Catalan deputy has lamented that the labor reform has caused a rise of one thousand percent for not passing the trial period. He has wondered what is the point of putting the word indefinite in a contract “if you can be fired in the same way as before”.

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