Adán and Juan Carlos, a request for a hand at 8000 meters of altitude that almost did not come out

At 8,000 meters high somewhere between Seville and Barcelona, ​​Juan Carlos steeled himself to walk down the aisle of an airplane with a bouquet of flowers to the seat of his boyfriend Adán. “He was super nervous,” he tells NIUS. Even so, without trembling, he fell to his knees, took a ring out of his pocket and seven years after they met, asked her to marry him. “He said yes!”, is heard in the recording of a moment that none of the passengers on the flight to Barcelona… but that almost didn’t happen. And that Juan Carlos spent months thinking how to do it and weeks organizing everything. “I called the company to see if it was possible and they even thanked me for involving them.” Everything seemed to be going well. He ordered a bouquet and also the ring, but they didn’t have Adam’s size in the store and they had to ask for it to be made. “The ring had to have arrived at the beginning of the week,” says Juan Carlos Romero. The flight was on Friday and until Thursday they didn’t call him from the jewelry store to confirm that he would have it. Adán and Juan Carlos celebrating on the plane. “He arrived the afternoon before,” he confesses, and traveled to the airport hidden in the trunk of the car of the friend who was driving them. “We had to tell Adán that the trunk was broken and couldn’t be opened,” says Juan Carlos. While her friend took the bouquet to the airline counter, Juan Carlos and Adán boarded the plane and at that moment she took the opportunity to talk to the flight attendants. Natalia, Ana and Andrea, three names that he will never forget, and who were at his disposal for everything he needed. The big moment With the flight already stabilized, it was time for coffee. When serving the couple, one of the stewardesses gave Juan Carlos a small blow on the shoulder. It was the signal for him to get up and go get the bouquet that had been stored in the cabin. Meanwhile, another of the stewardesses already had her mobile phone ready to record the request. “You are the man of my life,” Juan Carlos began to tell him while the entire plane looked at him. “Thank you for taking care of me the way you take care of me,” he continued, “and although we have our differences, I have found in you a person that I love very much.” And with the nerves floating thousands of meters high, the big question arrived. Adán and Juan Carlos at the departure of the flight in Barcelona. NIUS The rest is history. A yes I do, an applause and two kisses without a mask, under the during the rest of the trip neither of them stopped smiling. The company gave them a bottle of champagne to celebrate and the captain congratulated them in person. The video of the request ended up on Tik Tok and to the hundred passengers on the flight we must now add another million people who have already seen the request. At the moment there is no date for the wedding. “We want spring or autumn of next year,” says Juan Carlos, “summer is better not because it’s very hot, and winter isn’t either, because with how jinxed we are, it rains on us.” Bad luck this time was aside. Despite the problems, everything went as Juan Carlos dreamed.

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