They are looking for four young people who punctured another 11 times with a punch in Coslada, Madrid

The attackers carried a machete, an iron bar and an awl The victim was able to defend himself against the machetes by interposing his backpack The National Police is looking for four young people who attacked another 21-year-old individual with knives a few days ago, hitting him in the arm Up to 11 times, at the entrance to the Coslada Central Cercanías station, a spokesperson for the Madrid Police Headquarters has informed Europa Press. The events occurred on Monday at 8:20 p.m., specifically on Luis street Braille, next to said station, which a young man approached after work. Then, a group of four kids, apparently Dominicans, asked him for tobacco and then took out a machete, an iron bar and an awl and attacked him with them. The victim was able to defend himself from the machetes by putting his backpack in the way but he could not avoid the injuries of the punch. Finally, he was able to wriggle free as the attackers fled. The health services came to the scene, which transferred the victim to the Príncipe de Asturias Hospital in Alcalá de Henares. He had a gash in the head and 11 punctures in his arms, but his condition was not serious. History of riotous fights, injuries and fraud Agents from the Local and National Police, who are in charge of the investigation, also arrived at the scene. With the descriptions provided by the victim and the witnesses, the police raided the area to locate the alleged perpetrators, without success. Now, the Coslada Judicial Police is trying to understand the causes of the attack and several lines of inquiry are open. investigation, including that of a settling of scores between violent youth gangs. The wounded man, a 21-year-old Spaniard, had a history of brawls, injuries, fraud and public disorder. It is not ruled out that he sympathized with a gang. At the moment, there are no detainees. The town of Coslada is included in the Anti-Band Plan launched eight months ago by the Government Delegation in Madrid. The 500 national police officers and almost 300 civil guards dedicated to this special device have arrested 1,200 people, identified 92,000 identifications and seized 500 weapons, most of them machetes and knives, according to data provided on Monday by the Government delegate, Mercedes González .

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