EXTRAORDINARY ONLINE The Russians brought Iranian soldiers to the occupied Ukrainian territories – Topky.sk

Live from Ukraine Summary of the war in Ukraine – Day no. 231 ONLINE Load new news 7:43 a.m. After the current stocks are exhausted, the Russian-occupied Zaporozhye nuclear power plant will switch to Russian nuclear fuel. This was reported by the TASS agency today with reference to the representative of the Russian company Rosenergoatom, which is part of the energy division of the Rosatom concern. Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the government to transfer the power plant to Russian ownership, which the West still considers to be Ukrainian property. 7:14 a.m. The Russians apparently brought Iranian soldiers affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to the occupied Ukrainian territories to teach the Russian military how to use Shahid-136 attack drones. This was reported by the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) in its regular analysis. Today, Ukraine reports new attacks on Mykolaiv and Kyiv region. 6:11 Britain will supply Ukraine with anti-aircraft missiles to defend itself against Russian attacks. This was announced by the British Ministry of Defense on Thursday. It will be the first time that the island nation has supplied Ukraine with missiles capable of shooting down cruise missiles. TASR informs about it based on the AFP report. 6:01 AM US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that the United Nations sent a clear message to Russia when the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted to condemn Russia’s annexation of four partially occupied Ukrainian regions. TASR informs about it based on the AFP report and Biden’s statement published on the official website of the White House. 6:00 a.m. The presidents of the parliaments of the member countries of the European Union met in Brussels on Wednesday. The meeting was organized by Markéta Pekarová Adamová, president of the Czech Chamber of Deputies (PS). The main topic of the discussion was support for war refugees from Ukraine. TASR was informed about this by the press department of the president of the PS CR. Ukraine has the strength to continue the fight, says Zelenskyi According to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi, Ukraine has the strength to continue the war against Russia. TASR received the report from the DPA agency on Wednesday. According to Zelensky, no one likes to lose and no one wants to be a loser. “We cannot afford to lose, it is a question of survival for us,” he said. “Our emotions are connected to this country. I think we have to keep it in us and it’s all we have. It’s also where we draw our strength to continue the fight,” he said. According to the president, a possible victory would be a “victory for the whole country” and the Ukrainians want to achieve this victory with as few casualties as possible. A Russian nuclear attack would provoke a physical response from the West, NATO official says Any use of nuclear weapons by Moscow would have “unprecedented consequences” for Russia, the official said on the eve of Thursday’s meeting of NATO’s Nuclear Planning Group. According to him, it seems that Moscow uses its nuclear threats mainly to dissuade the North Atlantic Alliance and other countries from directly entering the war with Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently declared that he is determined to use “all available means” to protect Russian territory – including the four annexed Ukrainian regions. Following this, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, spoke openly about the possible use of strategic nuclear weapons to protect the country. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in Brussels on Wednesday that the United States is monitoring any indication that Russia may be preparing for a nuclear attack. “We haven’t seen any indicators yet that would lead us to believe that,” Austin said. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced on Tuesday that the Alliance’s member countries will next week conduct the annual Steadfast Noon exercise focused on nuclear deterrents. According to the head of NATO, an eventual cancellation for the war in Ukraine would send a “very bad signal”, because the military power of the Alliance is the best way to prevent any escalation of tensions.

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