Ukraine, from NATO countries advanced weapons in Kiev

NATO-led Ukraine allies have announced the delivery of advanced air defense weapons to Kiev following a series of Russian missile raids in the aftermath of the attack on the Kerch bridge last Saturday. The weapons promised by the UK, Canada, France and the Netherlands include missiles and radars. The United States had previously made a similar commitment. A high-tech system from Germany is already in Ukraine. Read also France will then send other weapons to Ukraine. Yesterday the announcement in the evening of the French president Emmanuel Macron in an interview with France 2, after having assured that he “does not want a world war”. “We have delivered the famous Caesar guns since the beginning of the war, and the Ukrainians thanked us. We will continue – he said -. We are working on the delivery of another six Caesar guns”. Macron also talked about the supply of other missiles, anti-aircraft systems and radar. “We cannot deliver everything the Ukrainians ask for, because we have to keep some to protect our eastern flank – he later stressed -. We are protecting our national territory. . In the first days we sent soldiers and equipment to Romania. We are strengthening our presence “.