Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron calls on Vladimir Putin to “return to the discussion table”

Published on: 12/10/2022 – 22:03 Russian President Vladimir Putin must “come back to the discussion table”, French President Emmanuel Macron insisted on Wednesday during a television interview largely devoted to the war in Ukraine. “Today, first, Vladimir Putin must end this war”, urged Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday October 12 during a television interview largely devoted to the war in Ukraine and its consequences for the French, on France 2. The president Russian must “respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and return to the discussion table”, continued the French president, reproaching his Russian counterpart for having made the “choice” to “install” Europe ” in the war” with its missile strikes of the last days and the mobilization to strengthen its army. The one who, despite the criticisms – including Ukrainians -, has never broken off the dialogue with the master of the Kremlin since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24 assured that he would continue to speak to him “whenever necessary”. “At some point, I hope as soon as possible, all the stakeholders will have to come back to a table of discussions,” he added, while acknowledging that it will not be in the “next weeks” . Warning to Alexander LukashenkoPresident Macron insisted that a negotiation would ultimately also be in the “interests” of kyiv, and promised new weapons, namely anti-aircraft defense systems. also a warning to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, one of the main allies of the Russians, assuring that he would have “problems” if he becomes even more involved in the conflict. Emmanuel Macron also estimated that he had to “avoid any escalation of the conflict”, so that it does not spread to a neighboring country of Ukraine and to prevent the use by Moscow of chemical or nuclear weapons. But the head of state, who has promised to “tell the truth” to the French on the implications of the conflict, preferred to kick in touch with the nuclear threat agitated by the master of the Kremlin, recalling only that France was also a country “equipped” with the atomic bomb and believed in “deterrence”. “The less we talk about it”, the more credible it is, he slipped in substance. In Iran, the demonstrators “carry the universalism of our values” The president also mentioned the Iranian file. France condemns the repression carried out by the Iranian regime, he assured. The protesters in Iran “carry the universalism of our values”, considered Emmanuel Macron. “We stand with those who are fighting,” he added. Clashes have erupted every day in Iran between protesters and security forces since the death in custody of young Mahsa Amini sparked an uproar there. huge wave of anger. Challenged as it had not been since the Islamic Revolution of 1979 – with protesters calling for the downfall of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei – the regime reacted as it does every time ‘it is disputed: by repression. According to human rights organizations, nearly 200 people, including around 20 children, have been killed by the security forces since the first demonstrations on September 17, the day after the death of Mahsa Amini, who had been arrested for wearing an illegal veil. Hundreds of others were injured and thousands arrested. Taking a detour through domestic politics, the Head of State has planned a return to normal “in the course” of next week on the fuel front, while that the French are facing increasing supply difficulties due to strikes in the refineries. Scratching in passing the CGT, which must “allow the country to function”. With AFP and Reuters

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