Hauts-de-France remains the region most affected by the fuel shortage – The HuffPost

STR / AFP A sign which reads in French as “Out of service” is seen on the nozzles at a TotalEnergies petrol station in Bordeaux, southwestern France on October 12, 2022. – The industrial action and strike by French oil refinery employees to demand pay hikes has paralyzed six out of the seven fuel refineries in France, leading to shortages of petrol and diesel exacerbated by panic-buying from drivers. (Photo by AFP) STR / AFP Pumps out of service due to fuel shortages, October 12, 2022. FUEL – The situation is only improving very moderately at service stations. According to figures from this Wednesday, October 12, still more than a third (30.8%) of them still lack one or more fuels at the national level, due to the strike in refineries and fuel depots. They were 31.3% on Tuesday. As since the start of the blockages, Hauts-de-France and Ile-de-France are among the most affected regions, with respectively 42.6% (against 44.8% on Tuesday) and 41.9% of stations concerned (44% Tuesday). In Center-Val-de-Loire, it is even 44.7% of the stations (45% Tuesday) which are experiencing difficulties. Requisitions to improve the situation? Will the situation improve in the next few days? This is what the government hopes, which has requested the requisition of essential employees from the Esso-ExxonMobil depots in order to fill the tank trucks. This Wednesday, two employees of the fuel depot of the Notre-Dame-de-Gravenchon refinery were thus called. Two others are requisitioned for Thursday. The strikers at the Flanders depot of TotalEnergies, near Dunkirk, will be the next to be requisitioned, according to government spokesman Olivier Véran. Six of the seven refineries in France are on strike this Wednesday: the four from TotalEnergies and the two from Esso-ExxonMobil; only that of Lavéra (Petroineos group) is not blocked. Added to this is the Flanders depot. FO, the fourth union among refining workers at TotalEnergies, joined the strike. Enough to prolong the shortages, despite the government’s promise of improvement. See also also on the Huffpost: You cannot view this content because you have refused the cookies associated with content from third parties. If you want to view this content, you can change your choices.

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