Shortage of gasoline: violence, serial siphoning, illegal trafficking … shocking scenes are multiplying –

the essential Since the beginning of the week, verbal and physical attacks have multiplied near service stations. And, that’s not all, some make do with the situation by siphoning off the neighbor’s tank and others set up their own little traffic to take advantage of the crisis. Nerves are on edge. Faced with long queues at the entrance to service stations, some French motorists are struggling to keep calm. As in the Toulouse conurbation where several incidents took place this week. In Rieumes, for example, a woman who had passed motorists who had been waiting for tens of minutes to park at the pumps normally reserved for heavy goods vehicles, was threatened with a pruning hook. On the networks, videos of this type of unrealistic scene are multiplying. In Aubervilliers, a fight broke out between several two-wheeler pilots. More than 2 hours of waiting in a gas pump near Evreux. And there 4 champions arrive in 2 rental Porsches and want to fry the tail. Spoiler: not everyone liked it— Romain Chafore (@RomainFchr) October 9, 2022 In Evreux, Eure, two Porsche drivers angered those waiting for hours trying to overtake everyone. Cut off in their tracks by more than annoyed motorists, the two companions finally left without queuing and without fuel. Read also: Shortage of gasoline: the rant of an independent station boss Even more serious in Haute-Savoie. Two customers at a gas station had a dispute in the queue. One of the two ended up stabbing the other several times. A 20-year-old man – who accused the other of having passed him – got out of his car with a knife and stabbed the Swiss driver, in front of his two children who were in the back of the vehicle. Taken in absolute urgency to the Geneva hospital center, he is now out of the woods. Between soaring prices and shortages, fuel thefts are on the rise. On the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, the Villepinte police officers thus arrested a young man who had stolen 280 liters of fuel thanks to the siphoning of the tank of a truck. In Ain, a road haulier assured our colleagues from France 3 that he had suffered four siphonings in the space of a month. Others, finally, play in the higher category. In Villiers-le-Bel, in Val-d’Oise, individuals took control of a Total service station on the evening of Monday, October 10. They filtered motorists themselves, allowing only residents of the neighborhood to pass. To others, they forbade access and offered them their own fuel, in cans, at their price. Alerted, the police intervened. A young man in his twenties was arrested and taken into custody.

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