Five years after #metoo, the shock wave: what has changed in families, at school, in court… – Le Monde

In the foreground, Commissioner Noémie Cognard, head of the Sexual Offenses Group (GICS) of regional transport security. In the group in the background, Michaël Tétu (first from the left) and Quentin Coëdelo (last from the right). In Paris, October 4, 2022. BENJAMIN GIRETTE FOR “THE WORLD” Five years ago, on October 5, 2017, the New York Times published an investigation that was to create a societal shock wave across the world. In the columns of the American daily, women accuse Harvey Weinstein of harassment and sexual assault. Acts committed with impunity, for thirty years. Actress Alyssa Milano uses the hashtag #metoo on the social network Twitter on October 15 to call on those who have been abused to testify. It is spreading around the world, especially in France. The freedom of speech is on the move, and does not stop at the star producer of American cinema. Over the years, #metoo has led to other versions (#balancetonbar, #payetaplainte, etc.) on social networks. The massive, systemic, and repeated aspect is the strength of the message sent by women to denounce the attacks of which they have long been victims. All walks of life are concerned: the world of entertainment, media and culture, sport, politics… Read the survey (2021): Article reserved for our subscribers #metoo: when victims of sexual assault s help each other In the book Do not set us free, we take care of it. A history of feminisms from 1789 to the present day (La Découverte), historians Bibia Pavard, Florence Rochefort and Michelle Zancarini-Fournel write that the “#metoo moment” refers to “all the mobilizations against sexist and sexual violence, to the echo they encounter and their political and social impact, and more generally to the space for the expression of feminist ideas which is opening up”. For feminist activists, and for female victims, who have in turn said “me too”, publicly or in the intimate sphere, there is unquestionably “a before” and “an after” #metoo. Read also Article reserved for our #metoo subscribers: After the movement, debates on new feminist radicalism To measure the extent of awareness, Le Monde asked its interlocutors at school, in police stations, in offices of judges and lawyers… How, from their respective places of lookouts, are they each confronted with new situations? How do they deal with it? “Women learn to say ‘no, it’s not normal'” Social worker in a departmental space for solidarity in Val-de-Marne, Isabelle Boisard felt “on the front line of the #metoo earthquake” “We are a public, free, local service, where it is mainly women, subject to professional secrecy, who welcome other women. They come for an electricity bill to be settled, then trust is established. Thanks to #metoo, they felt empowered to speak out about the sexual and gender-based assaults they were experiencing. They realize that things that used to be part of their daily life are not normal. And they learn to say no. You have 88.04% of this article left to read. The following is for subscribers only.