Shocking DEATH of Slovak actress (†74): Tragic traffic accident… She died under the wheels of a train?! –

As we reported yesterday, Slovak actress and teacher Tatiana Hrivnáková lost her life. The sad news spread shortly after the Bratislava police reported the death of a woman who died under the wheels of a train. “According to the information so far, the 74-year-old woman should have entered and then remained standing on the track. Due to the speed of the train and the short distance, the driver could not prevent the collision. The attending physician declared death at the scene. Other circumstances of the case are currently under investigation,” the SR Police reported on Facebook. Photo gallery (8) Source: Facebook SR Police – Bratislava region And everything points to the fact that it was Hrivnáková, who taught stage speech and acting at the Bratislava conservatory. “We received information that she died after a collision with a train,” a source from the acting environment told us. In this case, the police refused to confirm the identity of the woman. One of her students was the young actor and singer Martin Klinčúch from the marquee series Pán profesor. “I will miss you Professor,” he expressed his sadness at her departure. Her acting colleagues and other students also expressed sincere condolences. Photo gallery (8) Martin Klinčúch mourns his acting professor
Source: Instagram MK The deceased actress Táňa Hrivnáková was born on September 25, 1948 in Rožňava. In addition to theater, she was also a part of the children’s show MA-TEL-KO and played in various films, such as Adam Šangala, Zlatá priadka, Zlatá runa, Doktor Bencúr, Skúška vedenia and many others. You will be able to remember her work today on Dvojka in the morning at 10:20, in the fairy tale Zlatá runa, where she played the main character. Honor to her memory. RTVS received the news of the death of actress Tána Hrivnáková with sadness. We will remember her personality on Wednesday, October 5… Posted by Dvojka on Tuesday, October 4, 2022 Shocking DEATH of a Slovak actress (†74): Tragic traffic accident… She died under the wheels of a train?!