All about the new ‘La que se avecina’: tour of the set, class struggle and the resolved future of José Luis Gil

We enter the new building for season 13, which premieres on Amazon on November 28 and later on Telecinco. “The set we always wanted””A ‘Arriba y Abajo’ in a horizontal version”, where the old neighbors will coexist with new characters, and a spectacular bar among the noveltiesThe creator and producer of the series, Alberto Caballero, explains all the novelties: why they “move” to the center, how the plots start and how the absence of Enrique Pastor has been solved Two years after the demolition of the mythical urbanization of Montepinar, where La que se avecina was filmed until now, Mediaset has taught for the first time the scenarios of season 13, which will be released on November 28 on Amazon Prime, and later on open. Some sets of 2,175 m² in the City of the Image, which recreate a stately building in a central street of Madrid, the fictional Contubernio 49, where many of the old neighbors moved (Jordi Sánchez, Nathalie Seseña, Pablo Chiapella, Carlos Areces, Luis Merlo, Fernando Tejero, Miren Ibarguren, Loles León, Petra Martínez, Eva Isanta, Nac ho Guerreros, Ricardo Arroyo and Macarena Gómez), who will be forced to live with new characters (Laura Gómez-Lacueva, Félix Gómez, Carlos Chamarro, Mamen García, Margarita Asquerino, Inma Pérez-Quirós, Álex Gadea, Elizabeth Larena, Jaime Riba and Álex de la Croix).lqsanuevosMediasetHow does the new season start?Alberto Caballero, creator, screenwriter and executive producer of La que se avecina, explains the starting point for the plots of this new season, which will consist of 8 episodes of 80 minutes each: “Antonio Recio fulfills his debt to society and gets out of jail. Through this character, the new building to which the neighbors have moved is discovered and what has been happening to each of them: Amador lives with Agustín; Maite has found love; and Menchu ​​and Yoli live together, but they have a new problem. Among the new characters, there is a marchioness and a super strict president with a hyper perfect family, some posh people who are quite uncomfortable with the presence of the new neighbors. And Antonio Recio arrives to add fuel to the fire. In addition, in front of the Recios live some young kids, the “chiques”, with a way of understanding life, both aesthetic and philosophical, totally different from them; and Bruno has become an entrepreneur of a ‘cafebrería’ that mixes culture, books and snacks and that he wants to turn into a center of cultural reference in the area”. MADRID, SPAIN – OCTOBER 04: Here there is no one who lives session on October 04, 2022 in Madrid, Spain. ©Juan NaharroJUAN NAHARROHow is the absence of José Luis Gil explained? son Dylan.José Luis Gil, the unforgettable ‘Juan Cuesta’ in ‘LQSA’, is recovering at home from a strokeCordon pressHow are the new sets?The sets, built in eight months, with a totally renewed aesthetic, include the main facade of the building, the bar and eleven complete houses, as well as a large outdoor area that recreates the street where the property is located. On the lower set (the one we show in the video), there is the main facade, the bar and the landings of the ground floors: those of the exterior and luxury area, where the Marchioness (new character played by Mamen García) and Menchu ​​and Loli (Loles León and Miren Ibarguren) live, who “infiltrate the high standing apartments, although they are not so wealthy. And on the other side, the “poor” area where Antonio Recio lives, “a place that will be hell for him, since he drops in level”, and the “kids” (new characters that represent sexual diversity): The new sets from ‘La que se avecina’ in Contubernio 49In the other upper set are the other four houses and a patio. In total, in the two sets of 1,500 and 800 square meters respectively, “a building at two speeds has been recreated, which is what we had not done until now. There is the portal of the exterior floors, where posh and wealthy people live , and another interior portal, where the “starving” are (laughs), a kind of ‘Arriba y Abajo’ in a horizontal version”, explained Alberto Caballero at the media meeting attended by NIUS. “Part of the neighbors end up on the interior floors, while on the exteriors there are a series of characters who already lived in the building, more of high standing, and that is where the clash of classes occurs.” Although this new set is much more spectacular than the previous, with great detail in the different homes, “in square meters of interior they are almost the same, because before we had three sets, the difference is that we have been able to take the facade of the street outside, now cars can enter… In the previous set never po We could have made a bar as big as the one we have made.” The dream set that “we always wanted to have” Season 13 represents a qualitative leap with respect to previous seasons, since the greater amplitude of the spaces allows a greater variety of framing and camera shots that provide a new technical and aesthetic point of view, without losing its essence, to the visual image of the series. “When we decided to continue, it was clear to us that we had to make a leap in quality. Mediaset gave us an immediate ‘yes’ to invest in the set that we would have liked to have at the beginning of time. That the street was real, that the spaces were wider and closer to Madrid”, explains Alberto Caballero. Actors take photos in the building of ‘La que se avecina’NIUS The Quiroga bar, one of the great noveltiesAmong the novelties, the set has a new bar five times larger than the previous one, called Cafebrería Quiroga. “It all came about one day when I stayed in the center, in a bar very similar to the one we have set up, and I saw that this would give a lot of play, to have an open space where people would come and go,” recalls Caballero. The bar at ‘La que se avecina’NIUSThe bar will be a key setting for the clash of different cultures that marks this new season. “One wants to read poetry and the other put on football. It is the new meeting point of the neighbors. We have been inspired by places in the center of Madrid, which remake charming places. That urban and cultured vibe of mixing coffee and books that is popular now”. in the hall of Montepinar, and “now they will be on the landing or in a central interior patio.” Why did the series move to the “center of Madrid”? About the reason for the change to the center of Madrid, where its predecessor series, No one lives here, Caballero comments that “we wanted to have two landings, it no longer made sense to continue on the outskirts, where that type of building is not built.” We have also recovered the figure of the physical goalkeeper, who gives a lot of play”, explains the nephew of José Luis Moreno, who was 28 years old when he wrote Here there is no one who lives with his sister, Laura Caballero, and now, with 48 and after having been father for the first time with his partner, the actress from the series Miren Ibarguren, is already in season 13 of La que se avecina, the most watched comedy on television, in addition to having embarked on other projects with his production company such as El Pueblo (Mediaset/Amazon) and another series for Netflix.Laura and Alberto Caballero, on the main façade of the new building for ‘La que se avecina’NIUSWhy is the street called “Contubernio 49”? Unlike the old building, in the fictitious “Mirador de Montepinar” development, the new building does not have a specific name, “because in the center of Madrid they do not have a name like in the outskirts.” As for the name of the street (Contuberno), “we were amused to put the name of our production company,” explains Caballero. “We knew it had to be a word, because in the end people don’t say ‘Montepinar Viewpoint’, they just stayed in ‘Montepinar’”. The street number (49) “has a reference to the age I have reached and the number of the street where I live,” adds the creator and producer of the Mediaset series, in the same way as the 21 of Desengaño ( the street of Here there is no one who lives) is where my parents lived”. nightmare. In addition to having to deal with the inconveniences of living on a ground floor in the center of Madrid, Recio will fight hard to revive and maintain his business empire, a titanic task in which he will be forced to carry out various precarious jobs. AMADOR: From the economic ruin due to moonlighting His decision to allocate the expropriation money to his children’s education has led Amador (Pablo Chiapella) to misery. Totally ruined, Cuqui will face this hard setback fighting to move forward day by day. To do this, he will work moonlighting carrying out the most varied activities. BRUNO: Unable to live alone Enrique Pastor’s departure to the United States to care for his son Dylan will leave a deep and indelible mark on Bruno (Luis Merlo). Without his soulmate and adventure partner, the hypochondriac pianist will be overwhelmed by loneliness, but he will cover his emotional emptiness with Fermín, whom he will welcome in his house. FERMÍN: He redoubles his work activity The job will knock on Fermín’s (Fernando Tejero) door twice: on the one hand, Bruno will offer him to become manager of the cafeteria-bookstore that he has opened in a nearby location, a proposal that he will accept; and on the other, he will be in charge of managing the tourist apartment that his daughter Lola has set up in the building. AGUSTÍN: Obsessed with asepsis The confinement and the Covid-19 pandemic have taken their toll on Agustín (Carlos Areces), who has seen how new phobias condition your life. Hypochondriac and obsessed with asepsis, he will pour his energy into disinfection, while he lets Amador settle in his house as long as he pays his part. MENCHU: Looking for a boyfriend for her daughter Worried about Yoli’s sudden and alarming weight gain, Menchu ​​(Loles León) will do her best to help her. Her main priority will be to get her daughter to lose weight and regain her figure of yesteryear so that she finds a boyfriend and thus gives her a grandson.FINA: Scourge of the neighborsAt 77 years old, Fina (Petra Martínez), more vital and active than ever, he will pour his energy into pestering neighbors he can’t stand, whether they are new or old acquaintances. Contubernio 49 will be the new ‘hunting ground’ for this eccentric old woman, who will become the scourge of the residents of the building. VICTORIA: An aristocrat come to less Belonging to the high national rank, Victoria Rafaela Balmaseda de Unzeta y Téllez-Girón, Marchioness of Francavilla and Sacromonte (Mamen García), is a ruined aristocrat who has been forced to sell the floors of the building to go surviving. She is classist, sarcastic and hieratic, she lives with Logi, her assistant, the only person capable of putting up with her. High-priced fashion photographer, Óscar Serra (Félix Gómez) is a man who fully enjoys the pleasures that life offers him. Charismatic, seductive, wealthy and always surrounded by beautiful women, he is a role model for Amador. Both will strike up a friendship that will have dire consequences for the photographer.