Poll: Should there be early elections? Most favored one option | TVNOVINY.sk – TVNOVINY.sk

Will there be early elections? A question that arises more and more often, since the government no longer has a majority in parliament after the departure of SaS. While OĽaNO, Sme familia and Zá útky still manage to keep power in their hands, most people want the end of this government. In a survey by the Focus agency for TV Markíza, up to 60 percent of respondents said that they would like early elections as soon as possible. Only 17 percent of respondents think that the current coalition should rule until the end of the election period. And 15 percent of people would prefer an official government appointed by President Zuzana Čaputová. It is also interesting to look at how voters of individual parties perceive the situation. You can find these results in the attached video.