Afghanistan: the National Gathering launches a petition against a supposed “massive reception of Afgha refugees – franceinfo

The text launched on the party’s website says it recognizes “the obvious distress of some of the legitimate refugees” but concludes that “what [lui] The priority is the protection of our compatriots “.

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He wants to keep the door closed. The National Rally (RN) has launched a petition to say “no to the massive reception of Afghan refugees”, after the Taliban came to power in Kabul, Sunday August 15, and the discovery of massacres. Under the title “Afghanistan: no to a new migratory highway”, this petition launched on the website of the far-right party says it recognizes “the obvious distress of some of the legitimate refugees” but concludes that “what [lui] The priority is the protection of our compatriots “.

While the mayors of several cities, mainly left or environmentalists, have announced their intention to welcome refugees, the RN believes that it is “to run an obvious risk to their fellow citizens”.

Government spokesman Gabriel Attal said on Wednesday that “France will welcome, as every year, several thousand Afghans” – even if only a minority of them obtain asylum. But Emmanuel Macron also said he wanted to protect Europe “significant irregular migratory flows”, ensuring that it would support the launch ofa European initiative in this direction.

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