Ukraine, Putin: “Peace only if Kiev accepts Russia annexes”

Vladimir Putin conditions peace in Ukraine and the end of the war on Kiev’s acceptance of the annexation of four other regions – Donetsk People’s Republic, Luhansk People’s Republic, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia – to the Russian Federation. The number 1 of the Kremlin, in the speech given before the signing of the treaties sanctioning the annexations, however, projects his words beyond Ukraine. Read also The enemy, accused of wanting to annihilate Russia and launching a “hybrid war”, is now clearly the West, and in particular the United States “the only country in history to have used nuclear weapons. Thus creating a previous one”. United States which, together with Great Britain, are responsible, according to the Russian President, for the “explosions in the Baltic Sea” against the Nord Stream gas pipelines. “We have become stronger because we are together. We have the truth. And truth means power. And it means victory. Victory will be ours,” Putin told the crowd on Moscow’s Red Square. “This is a historic day, a day of truth and justice,” the Kremlin leader said, promising to do everything to support “our brothers and sisters in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, Donetsk and Luhansk.” more than a quarter of an hour behind schedule, in the St. George’s Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace in front of deputies, senators, government officials and elites, some of them tearful with emotion – including Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov – there is no room for a compromise that does not respect what he called the “legitimate popular will” of the inhabitants of southeastern Ukraine. Their “was a clear choice. The will of millions of people was expressed. . Who have the indisputable right to self-determination, an essential right based on historical unity, on the history that over the centuries has seen Russia develop “. “Only this (the recognition of the referendums by Kiev, ed) is the road to peace”, added Putin, while on the ground the Ukrainian forces have in these hours completed the encirclement of the crucial hub of Lyman, in the People’s Republic Donetsk, gateway to that of Luhansk, the only region among those in which the referendum took place, completely controlled, to date, by the forces of Moscow. The inhabitants of ‘Novorossiya’ “will live in their true homeland. The government of Kiev and its controllers in the West must listen to me. The residents of the regions will be our citizens forever, “Putin underlined, while it is still unclear, even to commentators on Russian official television, which exactly is the territory annexed by Moscow of the regions of Kherson or Zaporizhzhia (while for Donetsk and Luhansk, it was specified that the borders are those of 2014). The real big question formalized with the signing of the annexation agreements is precisely the way in which the words of the President will be reconciled – who evoked “the spiritual bond that we have handed down from generation to generation”, having acknowledged that “now the Union Soviet Union no longer exists, it is of no use to Russia, this is not what we aspire to, and there is no going back to the past “, and stressed that there is” nothing stronger than the will of the peoples to return to their true homeland “- with the situation on the ground that sees the forces of Kiev advancing into the territories. Question on which the possibility of the use, by Moscow, of unconventional weapons weighs. That the reference to the “precedent created by the USA” has certainly not canceled. “We will defend the security of our people with all the tools at our disposal,” putin urged, including the residents of the four regions among the Russians. “We will rebuild the destroyed cities, houses, schools, hospitals, theaters and museums. We will develop industry and infrastructure, we will reorganize the social system, pensions, health and education. We will raise the level of security (of new territories, ed). Together we will ensure that the residents of the new regions feel the support of the entire Russian population and of all the territories of our huge Motherland “, he added. “We are now fighting for a just and free future, first of all for us, for Russia. To relegate dictatorships and despotisms to the past forever”, Putin further stated, assuring that “the beginning of the collapse of Western hegemony it is irreversible “. “It will never be the same again. The battlefield to which we have been called by destiny and history is the one for our people, for the Great historical Russia”. MOSCOW BLOCKS UN RESOLUTION – As expected, Russia vetoed the UN Security Council resolution condemning the annexation of Ukrainian territories, as a violation of international law. Ten countries voted in favor of the text presented by the United States and Albania, while China, India, Brazil and Gabon abstained. The resolution is expected to be presented to the general meeting in the coming days.