Matovič’s output angered even his own! Criticism from MP OĽaNO: It’s over the line –

The debate on the dismissal of the Minister of Finance Igor Matovič took two days in the parliament. Although it was already assumed on Wednesday afternoon that the vote on his dismissal could be held on Thursday at the standard time – that is, at 11 o’clock, it did not happen. As the dismissed minister, Matovič can take the floor in the debate at any time and for an unlimited period of time. He also used this opportunity on Thursday and spent more than two hours continuously at the lectern. During them, he managed to touch on several topics, including the work of journalists, which he sharply criticized. According to him, they write in favor of liberals. He even compared their work to the work of journalists who wrote for Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Video: Igor Matovič spoke for two and a half hours in the parliament during his dismissal: he compared Sulík to Putin. They will do everything to make it happen. Now, it’s not that I don’t like liberals, but I don’t like it when a liberal is biased. When he is a biased progressive who abuses his position in the media to hide the truth and manipulate the facts,” said Matovič. According to him, it is dangerous for democracy and it is necessary to name it. “This happened in the 1930s. Those journalists were a little different back then. But even Hitler had exactly such journalists who had formulas and had exactly written down how to manipulate public opinion. And in the end they got their way. They spread lies, and a lie repeated a hundred times eventually became the truth,” he added. However, Kristián Čekovský, head of the committee for culture and media, strongly objected to such comparison of current journalists with those who went hand in hand with the Nazi leader. Paradoxically, he himself is a deputy of Matovič’s OĽaNO movement. “I perceive that some commentators really cross the line of constructive criticism of the government, but comparing them to Hitler’s journalists cannot be the answer,” he said. According to him, such statements overshadow all the good they have done in the field of media, “but especially they undermine people’s trust in traditional journalism and divide society even more.” He told Matovič that “it is over the line.” Deputies should vote on the dismissal of Igor Matovič until next Tuesday. On Thursday, the morning vote was missed due to the long speech of the Finance Minister himself. In the afternoon, there was no voting due to serious health problems of OĽaNO deputy Ján Kerekréti.