Rhône: how a fake teacher taught six days in a primary school

Jean-Luc Boujon (correspondent in the Rhône), edited by Gauthier Delomez 8:23 p.m., September 29, 2022, modified at 11:29 a.m., September 30, 2022 In a primary school in Taponas, in the Rhône, a 38-year-old woman, Samantha Avril, pretended to be a teacher and managed to teach for six days. The false mistress was spotted thanks to an article in the local press, which reported on her former usurpations. This lasted six days, at the beginning of September. Samantha Avril, freshly recruited as a temporary worker by the National Education, becomes the teacher of the CP-CE1 class at a school in Taponas, in the Rhône. During this period, she taught 25 children, as if nothing had happened. In reality, this 38-year-old woman managed to teach in this primary school by lying about her qualifications. Fake doctor two years ago and arrested for the first time is not seen. My daughter has never given me negative feedback,” says Laura, a mother whose 6-year-old daughter was in the class in question. “We are horrified”, continues this mother. “It’s not normal that we can have a schizophrenic in our schools, a person who has been incarcerated and who is not a teacher at all”, recalls Laura at the microphone of Europe 1. Indeed, Samantha Avril pretended to be a doctor two years ago. She had been arrested for the first time after four months of practice in a cabinet in Montceau-les-Mines, in Saône-et-Loire, with four months in prison. “We are not happy and we are waiting for answers”, supports the mother. The usurper spotted thanks to an article in the local press It was a parent who gave the alert, after reading an article the local press about the past usurpations of the new schoolteacher. He sees her photo in the newspaper and recognizes her child’s teacher. At the same time, the rectorate made the same observation. “We discovered the deception when we received the criminal record”, explains Philippe Carrière, academic inspector of the Rhône. “She had a criminal conviction on a usurpation, because she performed a function that she could not perform in her previous life.” The false mistress therefore taught even before the check of her criminal record by the administration. She had also produced a fake master’s degree. An error, recognizes the inspection of the academy, which however refutes the idea of ​​a hasty recruitment due to a shortage of teachers.

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