Kollár and Sulík: Conflict between Bittó CIgániková and Tabák – Pluska.sk

The culture of domestic politics has been declining for a long time, but the news about a fight in a bar, the protagonists of which are supposed to be two members of the National Council, has a rather “refreshing” effect on Slovak conditions. I never pay special attention to her. People often say that we are arguing, but you won’t find a single status or personal attack on her from me. Only Romana is arguing,” states Bittó Cigániková. In the following lines, the liberal describes her version of the incident. “I somehow managed to keep my cool and not be provoked during several nasty verbal attacks, but she continued. Since she was hiding in her cap, I took it off for everyone to see what kind of “intelligence” represents her constituents in the parliament. I thought that when she realized that people were looking at her, what she was creating, she would calm down,” the MP outlined the course of events. According to her, the situation was to escalate subsequently, while she herself allegedly did not react to the attack and hair pulling. “Finally finally the deputy understood that she would not provoke me in any way, she let me go and left immediately,” Bittó Cigániková describes the unfortunate event, adding that Tabák finally returned and hit her in the head. Read more The physical encounter of female politicians has a HARSH END: Romana Tabák published a SHOCKING LINK! As a result of swelling of the cheek and pain, she finally sought the help of doctors and even filed a criminal complaint against the young deputy. However, the newly formed party of the Sme family movement presented a completely different story to the media. “She made it all up and lies,” she told Plus JEDEN DEŇ Tabák about Cigánik’s words. In a subsequent interview with čas.sk, she added: “She lunged at me in the face, and when she lunged a second time, she tore my cap from my head and threw it into the room. I defended myself. I’m sorry that I allowed myself to be provoked and dealt her a blow, after which she calmed down.” In Monday’s status on the social network, Tabák added that she is eight years younger and has a two-year-old son at home, whom Bittó Cigániková was also supposed to scold. “I should have filed a criminal complaint. I forgive her, however, because desperate people do desperate things,” concluded the MP on the topic We are a family. Romana Tabák – member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Source: facebook/romana tabak The leader of the opposition SaS, Richard Sulík, expressed reticence about the matter. “The important thing is that she filed a criminal complaint. I don’t want to comment more on that,” he said. We also turned to the leader of the We Are Family movement Boris Kollár with questions about whether he plans to bring political responsibility against his deputy. ARTICLE CONTINUES ON THE NEXT PAGE

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