Several leaks in the Russian gas pipelines of Nord Stream 1 and 2 put Germany, Sweden and Denmark in check

Denmark has decreed a state of energy emergencyAt least four leaks or pressure drops have been detected in the two Russian gas pipelinesRussia defends itself and suggests that it could be “sabotage”Germany, Denmark and Sweden are on alert in the face of several leaks registered in Russian gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2 located under the waters of the Baltic Sea that . These are at least three leaks generated by pressure drops. Two of them have been registered in the NS1 northeast of the Danish island of Bornholm, and another nearby in the NS2 gas pipeline. The gas pipes pass through German, Danish and Swedish territorial waters. The Danish General Directorate of Energy declared an emergency in the electricity and gas sectors on Tuesday and the authorities have decreed that a security zone has been established as a precaution. The order prohibits navigation within a radius of five miles around the areas of leaks and also flights, in an area of ​​​​one kilometer. The two gas pipelines are closed but inside they have gas, since they have to maintain a constant pressure . However, in the last few hours a drop in pressure has been detected in the Nord Stream 2 (NS2). From its usual 150 bars (it can withstand up to 300) it suddenly dropped to just 7 bars. The company that operates it, Gascade, said it was a leak. Risk of an accident? Both Germany, Denmark and Sweden follow minute by minute the evolution of possible leaks whose cause is unknown. The spilled gas bubbles up to the surface and environmental organizations warn that it can cause harm to fish and marine plants that are near the leak. Both gas pipelines, which transport Russian gas to Europe, have been in the eye of the energy crisis since the beginning of the Ukraine war. En Nord Stream 1, opened in 2012, was closed just a few weeks ago. Russia alleged problems with its maintenance. A version that Germany does not believe and accuses Putin of inventing reparations to pressure. The other gas pipeline, the Nord Stream 2, has not been put into operation, but it is full of gas. Russia’s response Russia has responded and claims to be “alarmed” by the damage that the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pressure losses. Moscow suggests that there could have been sabotage. Gas pipelines, even if they are not operational, have to maintain gas limits inside them to avoid accidents.

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