Russia: a young man mobilized sets himself on fire in front of a conscription center

The victim would be 90% burned and would have shouted several times that she did not want to “go to the front.” The sequence shows the deep disarray in which part of Russian society finds itself. Less than a week after Vladimir Putin announced the partial mobilization of 300,000 men to support the troops already present in Ukraine, a young man attempted to set himself on fire in the city of Ryazan, located south of east of Moscow. Be careful, these violent images can offend the sensibilities of the most fragile. Mobilized himself, the man went to the parking lot of the city’s bus station, sprayed himself with a flammable liquid before to catch fire. According to the independent media Novaya Gazeta, which broadcast the images recorded from CCTV cameras, the victim was 90% burned and shouted, at the time of his arrest, that he did not want to “go to the front.” was standing in the street, near the buses. He caught fire and started laughing and shouting that he did not want to go to the special operation in Ukraine. All his clothes were burned. The police came out and took him away and later an ambulance arrived”, rewinds a witness to Violence exacerbated If since February 24 the demonstrations against the invasion of Ukraine had remained on the sidelines in Russia, the announcement of this partial mobilization has apparently accelerated the events. According to Novaya Gazeta, 54 military enlistment offices and administrative buildings have been set on fire since the start of the war, including 17 in the last five days. On Monday, a man opened fire in one of these recruitment offices in Ust- Ilimsk, a remote town in the Irkutsk region of Siberia, seriously injuring an officer working there. The Russian Investigative Committee said the suspect, a 25-year-old resident, had been arrested. The victim is hospitalized in very serious condition. “Investigators and a criminologist are working at the scene of the incident. All the circumstances of the incident will be clarified. The suspect has been arrested, he is being questioned by investigators The victim was taken to a medical facility,” said Karina Golovatcheva, senior assistant to the head of the Irkutsk region investigation commission, to BFMTV. In recent days, demonstrations have multiplied. in several disadvantaged regions against partial and sometimes chaotic mobilization. The Russian power is accused of seeking to mobilize in priority in poor and isolated areas. Since Putin’s announcements, crowds of Russians have also rushed to the country’s borders and to airports. In this context, Dmitri Peskov, if he admitted “errors” which needed to be corrected, suggested that a closure of the borders was not excluded to prevent the departure of people of fighting age.

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