Covid-19: a new vaccination campaign from October 3, with vaccines targeting Omicron – France Bleu

Faced with a “resumption of the circulation of the virus”, the vaccination campaign with “the new bivalent vaccines against Omicron” will start “from October 3”, announced this Tuesday the Minister of Health François Braun on franceinfo. To view this Twitter content, you must accept Social Network cookies. These cookies allow you to share or react directly on the social networks to which you are connected or to integrate content originally posted on these social networks. They also allow social networks to use your visits to our sites and applications for the purposes of personalization and advertising targeting. I authorize Manage my choices to also read Covid-19: the High Health Authority gives the green light to three new vaccines, adapted to the Omicron variant A reminder for fragile people and their entourage, the over 60s and caregivers ” We have seen for three weeks a resumption of the circulation of the virus”, indicated the minister, who confirms the need for “a new booster dose for the target populations”. This will concern “frail people, the over 60s, health professionals and people who are in contact with fragile people”. This reminder will not concern the general population, even if “of course, if you wish to be vaccinated, you can”, he continues. “From October 3, we will have available in pharmacies, at vaccination centers, this new bivalent vaccine, that is to say this vaccine which vaccinates you on the wild strain but also against Omicron”, specified Francois Brown. to read also Covid-19: towards a possible eighth wave, the figures “monitored like milk on the fire” The minister calls for more wearing of the mask Regarding the wearing of the mask, François Braun calls for “to regain common sense”: ” When we are on top of each other, it is more reasonable to put on our mask. When we are with a very fragile person, we put on our mask”. To view this Twitter content, you must accept Social Network cookies. These cookies allow you to share or react directly on the social networks to which you are connected or to integrate content originally posted on these social networks. They also allow social networks to use your visits to our sites and applications for the purposes of personalization and advertising targeting. I authorize Manage my choices

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