WEATHER FORECAST Clouds and showers await us: it should cool down in the middle of the week –

Monday Cloudy weather will overtake us at the beginning of the working week. There will be rain in several places, occasional storms. The wind should be mainly weak, in the south-west in the early afternoon, in some places the north-west wind. In the afternoon, precipitation will subside in some areas. The highest daytime temperature will range from 18 to 21, at night from 7 to 12 degrees Celsius. We expect snowfall on the ridges of the Tatras. Photo gallery (6) Weather
Source: Tuesday On this day, a wavy cold front will move into our area from the west, bringing with it cloudy weather, especially in the east. Again, showers or thunderstorms may occur in some places. It will cool slightly. During the day, the air temperature does not rise above 19 degrees Celsius. Weak, south-east wind in the west during the day, gradually north-west wind in the afternoon. The lowest night temperature will already be at the freezing level. In the valleys and basins, it will be around one degree above zero. Photo gallery (6) Weather
Source: Wednesday We can expect an influx of low pressure from the west in the middle of the week, when colder and wetter air will begin to flow towards us. The highest daily temperature up to 19 degrees. Precipitation is expected only occasionally. Mostly weak southwest wind. At night, the temperature can drop to 6, but in some parts of the west as low as 4 degrees Celsius. Photo gallery (6) Weather
Source: Thursday We can expect variable to heavy cloud cover. Precipitation will appear in places. It cools down, but only slightly. The highest daily temperature will rise to 17 degrees Celsius. At night, it can be only two degrees above zero in places. Photo gallery (6) Weather
Source: Friday It will be gloomy and cloudy at the end of the working week as well. The temperature will approach that of Wednesday. During the day it will rise to 19, at night it should not drop below 5 degrees Celsius. Photo gallery (6) Weather
Source: You can find more information at WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy and showers await us: It should cool down in the middle of the week