Domestic violence of Quatennens: “To say that the sanctions must be graduated is not to minimize”, insists –

the essential “I was shocked” to see that the “important part” of the sentence “which says that a slap is always unacceptable” was ousted by certain media, he said, this Sunday, September 25 , on BFMTV. A slap is “unacceptable violence” and “to say that the sanctions must be graduated is not to minimize”, defended himself, this Sunday, September 25, the deputy LFI Manuel Bompard, regretting a controversy over his remarks after the confessions of domestic violence of his colleague Adrien Quatennens. The deputy, very close to the rebellious leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, drew the wrath of feminists and well beyond after saying that a slap was “never acceptable” but that it was “not equal to a man who beats his wife every day”. To read also: Adrien Quatennens case: “You cannot forbid me to love him”, affirms Jean-Luc Mélenchon “I was shocked” to see that the “important part” of the sentence “which says that a slap is always unacceptable” has been ousted by some media, he said on BFMTV on Sunday. The deputy also deplored “a controversy” which “gives the impression that I put things into perspective: I don’t want to put things into perspective. I never wanted to,” he insisted. “It is not relativizing” “I am aware of what is called the continuum in matters of domestic violence, that is to say that often, sometimes, perhaps always repeated violence, it begins with a slap. And the feminist associations, the people who work on this subject, are right to say that it is at the moment of the first slap that we must react”, he continued. To read also: Manuel Bompard on the Quatennens affair: “A slap is not acceptable but not equal to a man who beats his wife every day” He however refused to describe his remarks as “clumsy”, explaining that there was indeed “a gradation of facts” to which “a gradation of responses and sanctions” had to respond. “To say that, to say that we must graduate, is not to minimize, it is not to relativize. To say that we must graduate is to be able to be more effective afterwards in the way of responding to this violence” , he argued. Figure of the young guard of La France insoumise (LFI), the deputy Adrien Quatennens, under investigation after a handrail filed by his wife, announced that he was “withdrawing from his function of coordinator ” of the movement, recognizing violence against his wife. Manuel Bompard stressed that since 2018, the LFI group in the Assembly had, “at each budget review” tabled a bill to grant a budget of one billion euros to fight against violence against women. , as requested by the associations. “This amendment was not adopted” by the majority, he said, seeing it as “a double standard” of members of the government who pounded him for his remarks, citing in particular the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal. Read also: Quatennens affair: rebellious France “does not escape patriarchy”, recognizes Manon Aubry The latter denounced, in the JDD, “terribly shocking remarks” by Manuel Bompard, believing that “violence is not a gradation is a spiral”. He also castigated “the culture of the leader” Jean-Luc Mélenchon within LFI, like the Minister for Relations with Parliament Franck Riester who castigated on Radio J “scandalous violent behavior” of the rebellious leader for having touched the cheek of a journalist from Quoditien. Saturday evening, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, also strongly criticized for a tweet from September 18 paying tribute to the “courage” of Adrien Quatennens who had just confessed to domestic violence, said “accept the criticism”. “Everyone can do better, me too,” he said on France 2.