Lenka Vavrinčíková: DEPARTURE from Televíznych novín! I’m TEHOTNA – Pluska.sk

Lenka Vavrinčíková once worked as a tree frog in Weather. However, she showed her talent in 2016 in Your Face, where she warmed her with singing and dancing performances. It didn’t take long for the brunette to go to Televízní noviny, from where she speaks to the audience to this day. He has no scandals on his account and is loyal to a partner with whom he has been for 15 years. However, the couple enjoyed without a child.

Lenka Vavričníková

Source: tv awning

“Of course, a child is the fulfillment of a couple’s life, and it is certainly in a way a miracle of nature when it succeeds. I perceive that a complete family is something amazing. I am also from a very nice family and I hope that I will create one myself one day. Some may call me a careerist, but I’ll just laugh at it. For me, work is not a reason to call myself Jesus, I cannot go to kindergarten now, because then I will not be able to return. That’s the last thing I’d think about. “ the marquis said to us last year, but now she has great reason to rejoice. Lenka is expecting a baby under her heart.

“We were planning the baby, so we are very happy. However, my doctor advised me to follow a peaceful regime, so I stay at home and my partner is slowly preparing for all the beautiful duties that await us, “ admitted the future mother, who is already on maternity leave on the advice of a doctor.

Lenka Vavrinčíková will be a mother.

Source: LV Archive

Until she returns from kindergarten, Televízne noviny will not moderate. Danica Nejedlá and Miriam Kalisová will take her services during her absence. They once moderated the evening Television newspaper. Danica was still broadcasting Marquis and Miriam in the years 2007 to 2012. And tonight, instead of Lenka, Danica will be broadcasting for the first time together with Jaro Zápal. “The services of Lenka Vavrinčíková during her absence will be replaced by moderators Danica Nejedlá and Miriam Kalisová. Both have experience with moderating evening Television newspapers, so we were not forced to look for another replacement for her, “ Henrich Krejča, director of the Center for News and Journalism, commented.

And who knows, maybe after the birth of the baby Lenka will also stand in front of the altar. “Maybe I’ll get married when we have kids. The idea of ​​a family is a slightly better reason for me to get married. The child is already a bigger commitment for me than the marriage itself, so then I can imagine that I would get married. “ she told us a year ago. Congratulations Lenke!

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