In Iran, the repression of demonstrations in favor of Mahsa Amini worries the international community – Le Monde

An Iranian policeman brandishes a truncheon to disperse demonstrators during the mobilization in favor of Mahsa Amini, a woman who died after being arrested by the “morals police”, in Tehran, on September 19, 2022. – / AFP The UN s is concerned, Tuesday, September 20, of the violence of the repression of the Iranian authorities against the demonstrations protesting against the death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman arrested by the morality police. Acting UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Nada Al-Nashif said in a statement: “The tragic death of Mahsa Amini and allegations of torture and ill-treatment must be addressed. a prompt, impartial and effective investigation by an independent competent authority, which ensures, in particular, that his family has access to justice and to the truth. The police “fired live ammunition” A spokeswoman for the High Commission, Ravina Shamdasani, specified that “two to five people [avaient] been killed, according to some reports”, during demonstrations to denounce the death of the young woman in several cities of the country, including the capital Tehran. She added that the police had “fired live ammunition” and used tear gas. Al-Nashif also pointed out that compulsory veiling laws remain a concern in Iran, where appearing in public without a hijab is punishable by imprisonment. An Iranian parliamentarian, in an unusual stance, criticized the morality police whose actions are controversial. “Gasht-e Ershad [patrouille d’orientation] achieves no results except causing damage to the country,” MP Jalal Rashidi Koochi told ISNA news agency. “The main problem is that some people don’t want to see the truth (…). Do the people who are led by this orientation police to these explanation sessions regain consciousness and repent when they come out? asked the deputy. In a Twitter post, Tehran Governor Mohsen Mansouri said on Tuesday that the rallies in Tehran were “organized with the objective of creating unrest. Burning the flag, pouring diesel on the roads, throwing stones, attacking the police, setting fire to motorcycles and garbage cans, destroying public property, etc., are not the business of ordinary people”. French politicians support mobilized women Several French political leaders, including the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet, gave their support to Iranian women on Tuesday. “Mahsa Amini was 22 and just wanted to live free. Today, she is no more. In Iran, courage is feminine. It is that of all those women who are rising up today in the name of their freedom. Their fight is ours, ”wrote Yaël Braun-Pivet on Twitter. #MahsaAmini was 22 and just wanted to live free. Today, she is no more. In Iran, courage is fierce…— YaelBRAUNPIVET (@Yaël Braun-Pivet) “Support for Iranian women who fight for their freedom. Shocked by the barbaric murder of Mahsa Amini! “Reacted, also on the social network, the president (Les Républicains) of the Ile-de-France region and former presidential candidate, Valérie Pécresse. The first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, also took up the cause on Twitter “for Mahsa Amini and for all the other women who dream of freedom and equality”. Read also (2020): Article reserved for our subscribers In Iran, women are breaking the taboo of rape on social networks Originally from the Kurdistan region (north-west of the country), Mahsa Amini, aged 22, was arrested on September 13 while she was in Tehran visiting with her family. She died Friday in hospital after three days in a coma. According to the Iranian authorities, the young woman died of natural causes, but, according to information relayed by the High Commission, she was violently struck on the head and her head was banged against a vehicle of the vice squad. Read also: In Iran, new demonstrations after the death of a young woman arrested by the morality police Le Monde with AFP

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