Car insurance: soon the end of the green sticker? – BFM TV

This Tuesday, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire confirmed that he was working with his Interior counterpart on the removal of the green sticker. It is (normally) an essential part of any windshield. The green sticker – the motor insurance certificate – may however be living its last months. The Ministries of the Economy and the Interior are indeed working on the removal of this little paper, annual proof that the vehicle is well insured. “A shock of simplification” “We are working with the Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin to the removal of this small green sticker that you have to stick behind your windshield and which shows that you are well insured so that it is dematerialized”, confirmed this Tuesday Bruno Le Maire, during a press conference in Bercy with the Federation of Insurance on the subject of inflation. It is a shock of simplification for our compatriots and at the same time it is a cost which is reduced, so I hope that we will be able in the course of the year 2023 with Gerald Darmanin you announce the definitive abolition of this green sticker”, added the minister. If it succeeds, this abolition does not mean the end of compulsory car insurance, quite the contrary. “This little green card , the insurance certificate, is no longer useless, because we have a file of insured vehicles (FVA) which is much more effective in the fight against insurance fraud”, underlined alongside Bruno Le Maire Françoise Lustman, president of France Assureurs. shared with the policeThis file was set up in 2016 and is fed directly by insurers. The file thus specifies the registration of the vehicle, the name of the insurer, the number of the insurance contract and its validity. This theoretically makes it possible to have in real time all the insurance guarantees linked to each registered vehicle. “, can we read on the website of the insurer Allianz. Since 2019, the police can consult this file to verify that a vehicle is well insured. “Historically the sticker and the green card served as proof for the insurance. The FVA is 99% reliable, much more than the system of green cards and stickers. For example, a motorist who cancels during the year can keep his sticker on his windshield for several months while the file is updated daily”, said in May the president of France Assureurs in the Argus de l’Assurance. Removing the green sticker would also have an ecological impact. According to Argus de l’Assurance, 50 million insurance certificates are printed each year.

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