Rafa Nadal receives the ‘Camino Real’ award from the king: “The intention is to continue competing”

The king and Rafa Nadal during the EFE award ceremonyKing Felipe has been in charge of presenting the ‘Camino Real’ award to the Spanish tennis player Rafa Nadal who has confirmed his intention to continue competing in the world tennis elite. “I hope that this award does not imply that my tennis career has ended; It is not my intention”, assured the Mallorcan with a big smile in the auditorium of the University of Alcalá de Henares after receiving the sculpture made by Carlos Ciriza. Rafa Nadal thanked the award this year that “it is being a different year, complicated. Beyond the injuries, also because of the personal and family news. It is a year of joy and also of difficult moments. That is why receiving recognition like today’s is a joy. The intention is to continue bearing the name of Spain around the world and continue competing”, he said in his acceptance speech.”Impeccable and irreproachable attitude”The “Camino Real” Award was established in 2012, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Institute (1987), to recognize the professional work of Spaniards who in an outstanding and exemplary manner project and enhance the positive image of Spain in the United States. That is why King Felipe thanked Nadal for having become “a new link in an excellent chain of Spaniards who, due to their admirable and outstanding work, contribute to promoting and spreading the best image of Spain in the countries of South America.” North”. After highlighting the “impeccable and impeccable attitude” of the Balearic Islands, “not only in the sports field”, the king wanted to highlight the “firmness and determination” with which Nadal dazzles countless followers has given him a projection that “has led him to be one of the best ambassadors that our country can have and for that I also want to thank him”. he has said he. “Rafa Nadal is an obligatory reference for youth due to his honesty, ability to overcome, and respect for his rivals”, he pointed out. Memory for Pau GasolFelipe VI has recalled that like Nadal, the previous winners of this award transmit “our most authentic and positive. A memory to the previous winners that Rafa Nadal has also had. Especially with Pau Gasol. “How could it be otherwise, I mention my friend Pau Gasol, who had the honor of receiving this award in 2015. By the way, I know that today he is as happy or more than all of us after the immense victory of our team on Sunday basketball. From here, my congratulations to all of them, players, coaches and all those who have made this victory possible”, he added.

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