Emanuele Filiberto: “Elizabeth’s funeral reinforces the monarchical idea”

“Magnificent, beautiful, worthy of a great queen, a great country and a great people”. With these words Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, reached by AdnKronos in Monte Carlo, describes the funeral ceremony in honor of Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey in London, where he could not be present because he was blocked by Covid, which still reports him positive to the last buffer. “I was very saddened by the fact of not being able to go and not being able to personally greet so many people, even my cousins, whom I love very much; but we spoke by telephone and we arranged to meet at the next great historical event, namely the coronation. of King Charles III, for whom I have great affection and esteem “, he reiterates. “The queen herself had organized and fine-tuned her funeral: this – affirms Emanuele Filiberto – is the best thanks she was able to give to the English, who in turn were able to thank her and say ‘goodbye’. his last gesture of that devotion, which all his life he showed towards his people “. Now, he continues,” also thanks to the example and teachings of his mother, Carlo will be able to easily follow in his footsteps and prove to be a great king, an avant-garde monarch, culturally very prepared, a great lover of the arts and very attentive to decisive contemporary issues such as climatic and environmental issues. After all, he demonstrated it from the first day, deciding not to want to attend Queen Elizabeth’s funeral II, at his side, certain presidents and certain dictators … “But has this ceremony strengthened or weakened the monarchical idea in the world? “I believe that, during all these years, the monarchical institution has strengthened, as even certain titles of streaming platforms such as ‘The Crown’ show. Not to mention the fact that there were four billion people on TV for Elizabeth’s funeral. in the whole world, almost half of the world population! “. Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia emphasizes:” Everyone was able to admire that organization, that history, those values, in an era in which there is instead a loss of values, the prevailing of material wealth and personal successes, measured on the basis of likes and followers that mean nothing. Here we are talking about a millenary institution and people realize it, they can’t help but realize it “. (by Enzo Bonaiuto)

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