LIVE – “Not to an excess”: Borne judges “shocking” the words of Mélenchon defending Quatennens – BFMTV

12:27 “Not to an excess”: Borne judges “shocking” the words of Mélenchon defending QuatennensElisabeth Borne reacted to the tweet of Jean-Luc Mélenchon reacting to the press release of Adrien Quatennens.” It is obviously extremely shocking someone “one who trivializes intra-family violence. We are not to an excess”, judged the Prime Minister. The former presidential candidate denounced “police malice” and “media voyeurism” at the regard to Adrien Quatennens on his Twitter account. The deputy from the North admitted in a press release to having slapped his wife, with whom he is in the process of divorce. “I salute his dignity and his courage. I tell him my confidence and my affection”, added Jean-Luc Mélenchon, before clarifying his remarks in a following tweet.11:41 “We are human beings, not machines”: Autain recognizes “the very difficult task” of LFI in the Quatennens caseAfter criticism of the management of Adrien Quatenne’s revelations who explained that he had “slapped” his wife, Clémentine Autain recognizes the difficulties of rebellious France. “We are human beings, not machines,” said MP LFI during a press conference this morning. de Seine-Saint-Denis then spoke of a very difficult task”, recognizing “an eminently complex problem”. “A slap is never justified”: Adrien Quatennens’ lawyer recognizes “a wrongdoing “Lawyer Jade Dousselin returns to the charges against her client, Adrien Quatennens.”A slap is never justified, it is a wrongdoing”, she explains on BFMTV. 11:11 “This is not what he is”: for his lawyer, Adrien Quatennens “regrets” the slap given to his wife Adrien Quatennens’ lawyer returns to the text of his client in which the deputy admitted to having slapped his spouse. This gesture, he regrets it but it is not what it is”, assures Jade Dousselin on BFMTV. 11:07 Adrien Quatennens “wanted to set an example” by explaining himself, defends his lawyer Jade Dousselin, the Adrien Quatennens’ lawyer, analyzes the press release published by his client in which he admitted to having slapped his wife. “He wanted to set an example, which he asks of others”, she says on BFMTV.11:04 Adrien Quatennens’ lawyer “hopes” that the deputy will soon be heard by the courts After the words of Adrien Quatennens, the p arquet of Lille opened an investigation for “violence on spouse”. His lawyer Jade Dousselin reacts on BFMTV. “He has not been heard. At this stage, the prosecutor has not launched a hearing and we hope so”, she explains. “In the press release , there is not all the elements because we reserve elements for the prosecutor”, further advances his lawyer. 10:53 Adrien Quatennens: For Raquel Garrido, “it is up to the voters to give the mandates and the case if necessary, to take them back “Should Adrien Quatennens step back from his duties as deputy for the North? “This question of who can sit in the National Assembly periodically arises for voters,” replies Raquel Garrido, rebellious deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis. “It is up to voters to give the mandates and, if necessary, to resume”, she adds. “It is a political space that must be understood. A space of sovereignty which is not to be confused with other spaces, for example the judicial space [où] we define the judicial truth”, also declared the lawyer. And to continue: “Voluntary violence is a crime. But to be able to say that these facts are a crime, there is a criminal procedure. I want the rule of law, adversarial. I’m not a big fan of self-incrimination in general. member of the party specializing in gender-based and sexual violence. MP Sandrine Rousseau says she received the latter and evokes “behaviours which are likely to break the moral health of women”. There are no “double standards among environmentalists”. “There is no preferential treatment regardless of the people”, she insists. “Julien Bayou like any person put in case in this type of case will be heard in an adversarial logic. Before that, the cell is carrying out an investigation, with other people who may have seen and may or may not testify to the facts,” said the deputy from Bas-Rhin. However, Julien Bayou did not announce that he would step back from his duties as a deputy for Paris or even as national secretary of environmentalists. “You will have noticed that Julien Bayou is not very present in the media. It is also a form of indentation. Perhaps at some point it will have to be more official and effective”, replied Sandra Regol. 10:23 Adrien Quatennens: for Sandra Regol, “logic would dictate that he withdraw from all of his functions “Sandra Regol, environmentalist deputy of Bas-Rhin spoke about the case of Adrien Quatennens on BFMTV.”I think that logic would dictate that he withdraw from all of his functions. This is what environmentalists often ask for the sake of investigations. It allows for more serene debates than if the person in question remains there”, she explained. And to insist: “When a woman speaks, we hear her, we listen to her, we believes”. Cécile Quatennens, wife of the rebellious deputy filed a handrail against her for acts of domestic violence. An investigation was opened on Sunday by the Lille prosecutor’s office for “violence by spouse”. Adrien Quatennens announced in a press release that he was “withdrawing” from his duties as coordinator of insubordinate France, but said nothing about his mandate as deputy for the North. 10:18 Violence against women: the boss of EELV Julien Bayou implicated by Sandrine RousseauThe ex-companion of Julien Bayou seized the internal commission of the party specialized in sexist and sexual violence. MP Sandrine Rousseau says she received the latter and evokes “behaviours which are likely to break the moral health of women “. We explain everything to you in this article. 10:13 Violence marriages: Does Adrien Quatennens still have a political future? After his withdrawal from the functions of coordinator of insubordinate France, the deputy, whom some imagined to take over from Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is in turmoil. The question of his temporary withdrawal of the group from insubordinate France arises, and could be announced during Mathilde Panot’s press conference this morning. We summarize everything here. 10:11 “His words, not mine”: Autain distances himself from Mélenchon on the Quatennens affair “These are his words, not mine”, declared the rebellious deputy Clémentine Autain in Le Parisien this Tuesday after Jean-Luc Mélenchon praised the “courage” and the “dignity” of Adrien Quatennens this Sunday. The deputy of the North had indeed announced in a press release the same day to put himself “withdrawn” from his function of coordinator of insubordinate France while he is targeted by a handrail from his wife, Céline Quatennens for facts domestic violence. An investigation was opened against the deputy from the North by the Lille prosecutor’s office on Monday for “violence by spouse”. “Our political responsibility, with regard to our feminist commitments, invited us to dedicate our thoughts above all to Céline Quatennens and to all women who suffer violence”, explains Clémentine Autain, preferring to refer to the press release from France insoumise (LFI), rather than to the words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

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