Chad: the head of diplomacy resigns in full dialogue of national reconciliation

Published on: 09/20/2022 – 12:27 The head of Chadian diplomacy announced his resignation on Monday, accusing the military junta in power of relegating him to a role of “extra”, an announcement that comes in the middle of of a very laborious national reconciliation dialogue. A departure of a minister in the midst of a national reconciliation dialogue in Chad. The head of Chadian diplomacy announced his resignation on Monday, September 19, accusing the military junta in power of relegating him to a role of “extra”. Chérif Mahamat Zene was the main negotiator for power in the long and painful negotiations that took place resulted, on August 8, in a peace agreement in Doha with thirty, out of fifty, rebel movements. This pact has made it possible to associate some of the armed groups with the Inclusive and Sovereign National Dialogue (DNIS) opened a month ago in N’Djamena and supposed to lead to “free and democratic” elections.”For several months, my commitment and my will to serve my country are thwarted by parallel initiatives and actions of certain members of your cabinet and of the government, undertaken without my knowledge and on your instructions”, writes the Minister of Foreign Affairs in his letter of resignation. I have just submitted my resignation to the President of the Transitional Military Council under the cover of the Prime Minister, Head of the Transitional Government— Chérif Mahamat Zene (@Cherif_MZ) September 19, 2022 This letter, made public, is addressed to the young general Mahamat Idriss Déby. The latter proclaimed himself President of the Republic at the head of a Transitional Military Council of 15 generals, 17 months ago, on the announcement of the death of his father and Head of State Idriss Déby, killed by going to the front against the rebels.” Reduced to a mere extra” “These initiatives and repetitive and untimely interference are only intended to hinder the exercise of my functions”, asserts Chérif Mahamat Zene, invoking “a situation as unhealthy as confused and unacceptable (…) reducing me to a mere extra”. As soon as the death of Idriss Déby, who reigned over Chad with an iron fist for 30 years, was announced, the junta dissolved Parliament, repealed the Constitution and sacked the government to appoint a new one a few months later. expiring in October – but renewable once “if the Chadians fail to agree”, during a national reconciliation dialogue. The DNIS opened up 16 months after this promise, after very laborious negotiations, but it is boycotted by a majority of opposition parties, civil society organizations, which are defecting almost every day and, above all, by two of the three most powerful rebel movements. In this context, it is unlikely that the elections will take place at the end of the 18 months of transition promised . Chérif Mahamat Zene, 58, held several posts as Chadian ambassador, notably to the United Nations, before serving as Minister of Communication and twice as head of diplomacy, under Déby father and son. AFP

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