IMMEDIATE EJECT from the Farm: The Baron has already blown the whistle! The crew ran in and he was packing his things –

It all started innocently enough. During the Sunday duel, Marek Fašiang asked the farmers how they coped with their tasks. The Baron immediately boasted that he could handle heavy construction work and even help the servants. “You helped me carry one bucket,” remarked the servant Filip ironically. Baron almost jumped out of his skin when he heard this. His anger escalated as they returned to the Farm. He screamed at Filip like a hired man, cursed him, called him a junkie and started threatening to catch him outside and do things with him. “I’ll drink three and a half pints, I’ll go inside him, I’ll tear him apart!” Imi shouted at the top of his lungs. Non-confrontational Fifo just smiled at him and made a heart with his hands. And that “excited” Baron even more. Filip did not let himself be intimidated. He kept showing hearts to Baron and Kristián and smiling at them. Source: TV Markíza His good friend Kristián tried to intimidate Filip as well: “When you make enemies here, my enemies, the Baron’s enemies and those people – some – are not like us, that we will suffer… he will come after you, one fuck you and you’re dead, mate!” When the others heard this, they were shocked. “Can we stop threatening people like this?!” Viki shouted at him. Alice tried to resolve the tense situation. “I have received threats of physical violence, it is unacceptable. Do you feel safe here?” she asked everyone. “I will not comment on your questions. With me, it’s closed and it’s the way it is,” Baron replied to her. “When someone here laughs in my ‘face’ all day and provokes me 24/7, for me it’s a whole game to just provoke us here, I don’t see anything more in it,” added Imi. Kristián was more talkative. “We didn’t do anything to him, he started waving at me at the table, laughing, sticking out his tongue and making his usual grimaces. I will not bear such humiliation and I will definitely take revenge on him in a duel,” he explained the situation. Baron in the Farma show has definitely finished. Source: TV Markíza “Yes, I laugh at them, because if such a little thing bothers someone, I quite enjoy it. I’m having fun with it, because I can’t understand it,” Fifo added to the debate, and that already turned Baron into a corkscrew. “Listen here, you purple queen, when we’re sitting, you come up to us and start mocking and provoking us to our ‘faces’ and keep digging, digging, digging, the cup is already starting to overflow. When it breaks, there is a problem. I’m not threatening you, so don’t be a jerk here,” Baron and Filip screamed at him. Read more PHOTO Gregor Mareš about the troubled farmer Eva: I’ll tell you how she behaved BEHIND THE DUEL! When Alice “crawled” into the table, Baron continued his insults. “I won’t be here because a transvestite is laughing in my ‘face’. Go away, you dung, because I’m going to cut your hair! Go to mother pi*e, get away from me, I’m telling you, because you can be three meters tall and I’ll ‘bite off’ your head!” he screamed at Philip. “Take a bite, take it.” I was quiet, so why is he jumping on me?! That’s good education, that cesspool and transvestite to talk to others!” Fifo refused. Subsequently, Baron, whom Alex designated as a servant, began to behave like a complete fool. He cut up a servant’s uniform, wrote “Baron Restaurant” on it, and had a great time doing it. The situation became brutal again when it was lunch time. Giuliana loaded her Šimon with a heaping portion of dumplings and provocatively announced that the others probably wouldn’t be able to make it. The farmer of the week, Alex, nodded to her and said that if someone did little, there was no reason to eat. When the Baron heard and saw this, a volcano erupted inside him. “Fucking motherfucker!” screamed at Alex. After a short while, an all-terrain vehicle with a crew appeared at the farm. “Are you coming for me? All right. Can I take my things?” Baron spoke to them. A few minutes later, he was already unloading his suitcase into the car and was driven away without a chance to say goodbye. He ended up in the show for good. “In the reality show Farma, there were verbal threats of physical liquidation by show participant Imrich Štefánik, nicknamed Baron, against another show participant – Filip Jánoš, which is absolutely unacceptable. TV Markíza distances itself from any form of violence or intimidation, and therefore proceeded to immediately expel Baron from the Farma reality show. In addition to this fundamental violation of the rules, the participant in the show committed other unacceptable behavior, which the audience will also see tonight,” reads Markíza’s opinion. Read also: Author: dd

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