Tóth testified about Kočner for years, now the police had to show him: VIDEO He literally RUN AWAY from court! – Topky.sk

Peter Tóth was a secret witness in the case of the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancee Martina Kušnírová. For several years, he testified that the murder was ordered by his former friend Marian Kočner, who is a defendant in the case. After the verdict of the Specialized Criminal Court, the Supreme Court returned the case to Pezinok for consideration and also ordered the deposition of Petr Tóth. However, it was not possible to summon him the first time, he apologized the second time. He was supposed to testify at the last hearing at 10:30 a.m., but he was not in the courthouse. The president of the senate, Ružena Sabová, therefore had him paraded by the police. Shortly after twelve o’clock, the police brought him. Tóth behaved aggressively from the beginning, threw away the journalist’s hand with the microphone and entered the hearing room without saying a word. There he announced to the senate that he would not testify. Photo gallery (4) Petr Tóth was brought to the main hearing with Kočner by the police
Source: Topky/Maarty Photo gallery (4) Petr Tóth was brought to the main hearing with Kočner by the police
Source: Topky/Maarty “Despite the fact that this senate thinks that I am mentally retarded, I have understood the lesson and will not testify,” said Tóth. He justified this by the fact that he is being prosecuted for spying on journalists and the website Na pranieri, which they operated together with Kočner. After a short meeting, Senate President Sabová stated that she would not question Tóth, as this could lead to criminal prosecution. His statements will be read. Peter Tóth literally ran away from the court at the beginning of September on a social network announced that he would not come to testify voluntarily. “I show disobedience to the state by refusing to accept the summons for the main hearing in the criminal case of the defendants Kočner et al., which is scheduled for September 19, 2022. I have repeatedly informed the court about this in writing and today I also sent a registered letter to the prosecutor,” Tóth wrote, among other things. Photo gallery (4) Peter Tóth also testified in the case of the skeins that Kočner was supposed to send from prison
Source: Topky.sk / Ján Zemiar After the judge accepted his refusal to testify, Tóth was allowed to leave the courtroom. He again refused to answer the journalists’ questions and literally ran away from the court through the parking lot. Tóth testified about Kočner for years, now the police had to show him: VIDEO He literally RUN AWAY from court!

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