Brussels asks to freeze 7,500 million aid to Hungary for putting the rule of law at risk

The European Commission has formally proposed this Sunday to freeze a third of the cohesion funds planned for Hungary, some 7,500 million euros, as a measure to protect the community budget in the face of fear that the Government of Viktor Orban will use this aid in measures that undermine the rule of law. This was announced at a press conference in Brussels by the Budget Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, after the meeting of the College of Commissioners that has “unanimously” adopted the proposal, the application of which will depend on what the Twenty-seven. The suspension of European aid in the event of serious threats to the rule of law in EU countries is a measure planned since last January in the conditionality mechanism included in the new rules for the management of the EU Budget. Once Brussels officially presents the proposal to the Council, no later than September 22, Hahn said, the Twenty-seven have a month to take a decision. decision, although they can extend the deadline for two months in exceptional cases and the Community Executive will request it to do so to give the Hungarian Government space to implement the reforms it has offered to correct the situation.

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