The Ukrainians continue their counteroffensive. The Russians created a defensive line between the river Oskil and Svatovo –

The Ukrainian army continues its counteroffensive in the northeast of its country, while Russian forces have established a defensive line between the Oskil River and the city of Svatove. This was confirmed today by the British Ministry of Defense in a regular report based on intelligence findings. Supply route “Russia likely considers maintaining control of this zone important as it passes through one of the few main supply routes that Russia still controls from its Belgorod region,” the British ministry said on Twitter. “Russia will likely try to defend stubbornly in this area, but it is not clear whether Russian frontline forces have sufficient reserves or the corresponding morale to withstand another concentrated Ukrainian attack,” the ministry added. Shelling of Ukrainian regions continued overnight into today. Donetsk Oblast Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko said today that two civilians had been killed and 11 others wounded in Bakhmut and Svyatohirsk in the past 24 hours. According to the mayor of Kramatorsk in the Donetsk region, Oleksandr Honcharenko, at least three people were injured in a Russian attack on a residential area of ​​the city. The Ukrainian General Staff said that Russia is conducting an offensive in the Donetsk region, but without results. According to the staff, the Ukrainian armed forces on Friday repelled the Russian offensive in the direction of Bakhmut, Avdijivka, Zaitseve, Mykolayivka and Novomychalivka. The US Institute for the Study of War ISW warns that Russian forces could carry out false flag attacks in the temporarily occupied territories between today and Tuesday. Massacre in Buč standard The Institute for the Study of War also returns to the discovery of graves with more than 440 bodies in the liberated city of Izium in the Kharkiv region. According to the institute, this confirms its earlier assumptions that the atrocities in the town of Bucha, near Kiev, are typical of crimes that take place during the Russian war in temporarily occupied areas. On Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi also commented on the horrific discovery several times. In his regular evening speech, he called for Moscow to be punished for war crimes. According to him, the world must not watch as the “terrorist state” Russia kills and tortures. According to him, Russia must be punished with even tougher sanctions. “There is already clear evidence of torture, humiliating treatment of people. In addition, there is evidence that Russian soldiers, whose positions were not far from this place, were just shooting at the buried for fun,” the president said. He appreciated that the UN wants to send experts to document the crimes of “Russian terrorists”. They appeal for a ban on visas for Russians At the same time, Zelenskyy repeated the call for a ban on Russians traveling to the EU and the departure of Western companies from Russia. “When a state embarks on the path of terror, it is the duty of a self-respecting company to distance itself from such a state,” emphasized Zelenskyj. Vitaly Ganchev, head of the exiled occupation administration of the Kharkiv region, accused the Ukrainians of staging the atrocities in Izium, according to his spokesman, and welcomed the fact that UN observers would go to the city “to try to find out a little more about what might have happened.” He did not provide any evidence for his claim. In today’s updated balance of Russian losses, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Army said that since the beginning of the invasion on February 24, Russia had lost 54,250 soldiers, 2,202 tanks, 4,701 armored fighting vehicles, 3,571 other vehicles and tanks, 1,306 artillery systems, 312 salvo rocket launchers, 168 air defense systems, 251 aircraft, 216 helicopters, 911 drones and 15 ships and boats. The information cannot be independently verified. The Ukrainian Ministry for the Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories reported today that since the beginning of August, more than 80,000 Ukrainians have been evacuated from war-affected regions. 30,000 of them left the Zaporizhia region to safety. More than 24,000 people were evacuated from Kherson region, 17,000 from Donetsk and more than five thousand from Kharkiv region. 01 – Modified: 2022-09-16 18:11:08 – Feat.: 1 – Title: More than a thousand people were tortured and killed in the Kharkiv region, the ombudsman said. 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