Pension reform: “not a forced passage”, the Mayor responds to Bayrou on article 49.3 – BFMTV

The High Commissioner for Planning had expressed his concern about the use of this article for this reform. The response was quick. This Saturday afternoon, the strong man of the MoDem, François Bayrou, had in the columns of the Parisian showed his concern and warned the executive of a possible passage in force, via article 49.3 of the Constitution, of the so decried pension reform, which has returned to the political news in recent days. With BFMTV, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire replied at the end of the day, recalling that “49.3 is not a forced passage , it is a constitutional parliamentary tool.” “We do not want to force through, we are reaching out, we are talking, we will talk to the end. But this reform must be done”, he also insisted. “Divide French society” In his interview with the Ile-de-France daily, the High Commissioner for Planning had expressed his fears of a division of French society if ever article 49.3 was indeed used by the government. If we embark on this path, then we are sure to coalesce first the opposition between them, then to divide French society. All this because we would not have taken the time for pedagogy. The question of pensions is not only a question for the government, but for all of French society, “he said. This article of the Constitution makes it possible to suspend the examination of a text and to adopt it If there is a risk of a vote against the majority for this pension reform, this “would leave few other choices than its use”, had also warned Gabriel Attal.Anne Saurat -Dubois with Hugo Septier