Incest: the commission created a year ago asks the State to devote resources to prevention and compensation – Le Monde

The Incest Commission, which will draw up a report on Wednesday, September 21, of the testimonies it has collected over the past year, intends to take advantage of the budget debate to request several measures from the public authorities, in particular the reimbursement of psychological care for victims. “The debates on the vote on the 2023 budget will open, it’s time to put forward five of our recommendations”, explains in an interview with the Sunday newspaper Judge Edouard Durand, co-president of the Independent Commission on the incest and sexual violence against children (Ciivise). “What costs society, in financial terms but also in terms of justice and social ties, is the impunity of the aggressors”, he underlines. Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “The Culture of Incest”, under the direction of Iris Brey and Juliet Drouar: incest, our collective responsibility To begin with, “all professionals in contact with children must be trained. They are the starting point of the chain of protection, ”explains Judge Durand. A measure which must be accompanied by the creation of a “multidisciplinary support cell” for these professionals, which “will provide them with a coherent response” because “exposure to the suffering of others can generate intense stress, even trauma” . Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Suspicions of incest: report or not, the dilemma of general practitioners Noting that “this violence has somatic, psychic impacts, on social and intimate life, throughout life”, the co-president of the Civiise believes that “specialized psychotrauma care” must be provided everywhere. “We want to build a course of care supported by the State”, he insists. “Countering the message of the aggressors” The fourth measure consists of strengthening the means of combating cybercrime. According to Edouard Durand, in France there is “only one specialist investigator for 2.2 million people, compared to one for 100,000 inhabitants in the Netherlands and one for 200,000 in Great Britain”. Finally, La Civiise would like a national information campaign to be launched. “There hasn’t been one for twenty years!” “, is indignant the judge Durand. “It is important to repeat that this violence is against the law, in order to counter the message of the aggressor who imposes silence on his victim by saying ‘all dads do this'”, he notes. La Ciivise will publish a report with recommendations on Wednesday, a year after its first call for testimonies from victims of incest and sexual violence during childhood. Since September 21, 2021, it has collected 16,414, says Judge Durand. Read the report: Article reserved for our subscribers “Dad has been doing this since when? “: with the brigade for the protection of minors, which investigates incest cases Le Monde with AFP