Christophe Willem cash on his sexuality: the singer speaks without taboo

Revealed by the show Nouvelle Star, of which he was the winner in 2006, Christophe Willem is releasing his sixth album entitled Panomama, available since Friday 16 September. An album in which appears, among other things, the title PS: Je t’aime written by Slimane but above all in which he evokes deeper themes such as the gaze of others, school bullying, his parents and also his sexuality. On the occasion of the release of his new album, Christophe Willem gave an interview to our colleagues from Pure Charts this Saturday, September 17. While recalling painful memories, the 39-year-old singer spoke bluntly about his sexuality. A subject he alludes to in Neither queen nor king, one of the songs on the album. “It’s a title that is important because I affirm in it that I am neither one nor the other. I come out of any binary norm. I am not gay as I am not hetero”, a-t -He insists. College, a “complicated period” for Christophe Willem In this interview, the interpreter of Double Je also spoke about his complicated adolescence and what he endured when he left Nouvelle Star in 2006. “College is complicated period, I was stigmatized because I was effeminate and had a high-pitched voice. I was necessarily gay! Whereas at that time, you didn’t have an assertive sexuality… I don’t I didn’t understand. It’s very hard when, when you were young, you were given a label before you even knew who you were (…) I had the feeling that people often attached importance to the path I had and that, as a result, I was often defined by very vulgar reductions: “He’s the guy, we don’t know if he’s gay or not, he has a high pitch and he made Nouvelle Star”. is my resume! So after a while, you lock yourself into the image that people give you,” he said. Now, Christophe Willem seems to have turned the page on this difficult period of his life. Proud of what he is today, the singer even devoted a song to it entitled Dans le regard de l’autre taken from his album. “It tells where I come from, what I’ve been through and where I am today, and how much I see the gaze of the other as benevolent and no longer as the source of a problem. ” Find the full interview with Christophe Willem on the Purecharts website.