Queen Elizabeth II will be buried in this coffin. (†96): Made 30 years ago and completely lined with lead! – Topky.sk

From Wednesday, they can meet with Queen Elizabeth II. farewell people in London. In the United Kingdom, there are various discussions about even the smallest details that are connected with the funeral. It will take place on Monday at noon Central European Summer Time in Westminster Abbey in London. Approximately 2,000 mourners are expected, including Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová. Since the coronation of William the Conqueror in 1066, all English and British monarchs have been crowned in Westminster Abbey. As the BBC reminded, the abbey is located near the parliament’s Westminster Hall, where the coffin with the remains of Elizabeth II is currently on public display. Elizabeth’s marriage to Prince Philip also took place in the abbey in 1947. No monarch has had a funeral in Westminster Abbey since the 18th century. However, Queen Mother Elizabeth was buried here in 2002. Photo gallery (11) Source: SITA The Queen’s funeral will take place according to the exact protocol. The public will be able to pay their respects to Elizabeth’s remains on display in a casket draped in a royal standard until Monday morning at 6:30 a.m. local time (7:30 a.m. CET). Westminster Abbey will open in half an hour. At 10:44 a.m. (11:44 a.m. CET) the coffin with the remains of Elizabeth II will be transported. on a carriage from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey. King Karol III will walk behind the coffin. and other members of the royal family. It should take eight minutes. The funeral itself will begin at 11:00 a.m. (12:00 p.m. CEST) and should last an hour. The ceremony will be conducted by the Dean of Westminster. Readings will be given by Prime Minister Liz Truss and Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland. The sermon will be given by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Shortly before the end of the ceremony, two minutes of silence will be observed across Britain. At a quarter to two CET, the funeral procession will leave following the carriage with the coffin to the Wellington Arch. The Royal Horse Artillery will fire honor salvos from adjacent Hyde Park. The whole procession will be accompanied by the sounds of Big Ben. The remains of Elizabeth II will be transported from the Wellington Arch. by royal hearse to Windsor Castle. The blessing ceremony with the Queen’s body will take place at 17.00 CEST in the Chapel of St. George at Windsor Castle. There, the monarch will be buried in a private ceremony at 8:30 p.m. CET alongside her husband, Prince Philip, who died last April at the age of 99. Photo gallery (11) Source: SITA The coffin in which the queen will be buried was made more than 30 years ago. In the royal family, it is a tradition that a chest is custom-made for each member during their lifetime. This particular one is made of English oak and lined with lead. Therefore, it is very heavy and up to 8 members of the honor guard are needed to lift it. The casket was made by the Henry Smith company, which specialized in the production of similar products. This firm has produced several coffins for the royal family, such as Prince Philip. Several celebrities, including Freddie Mercury and Jimi Hendrix, also used her services. However, it ended in 2005. Leverton and Sons currently provides these services for the royal family. Andrew Leverton, who runs the family business, told The Times in 2018: “The coffin is made from English oak, which is very hard to come by at the moment. Caskets that are oak are made from American oak. If we wanted to use English oak today, it would be extremely expensive.” Queen Elizabeth II (†96) will be buried in this coffin: Made 30 years ago and completely lined with lead!