The CORONAVIRUS pandemic is slowing down in the Czech Republic: However, experts warn of new mutations –

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of positive cases last week is the lowest since March 2020. According to Hořejší, there is also a favorable development in the Czech Republic. “The situation can be evaluated on the basis of numbers that are really serious. This means how many people are in hospitals and how many people die with covid. In the last eight weeks or so, the situation has stagnated and the numbers have not changed,” the immunologist assesses the development. Photo gallery (2) Source: SITA/AP Photo/Petr David Josek Hořejší says that in assessing the development of the epidemic situation, it is not important how many people are infected and how many do not show any symptoms of the disease and whether it only has a mild course. The situation can allegedly be evaluated based on how many people with the covid disease go through a difficult course and have to go to the hospital. Data from the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic as of September 16 show 815 hospitalized patients. According to the WHO, the coronavirus pandemic may end soon. “I think it’s realistic,” assesses Hořejší. However, vaccinologist Marek Petráš does not agree with this. “The omikron variant is still spreading, we have an autumn period that records respiratory infections. And it certainly cannot be said that it has been won,” recalls Petráš, as quoted by the news server on Saturday.