Funeral of Elizabeth II, UN General Assembly … Emmanuel Macron’s busy international agenda – BFMTV

Monday will be a particularly long day for the President of the Republic, expected in New York at the end of the day after the Queen’s funeral in London. The next few days should not be easy for Emmanuel Macron. The President of the Republic announced it this Friday: he will arrive in London on Sunday evening, at the invitation of King Charles III. The Head of State will indeed participate in a dinner at Buckingham, which will precede the funeral of Elizabeth Monday… day when Emmanuel Macron is also expected in New York, for the first General Assembly of the United Nations since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. A perfectly millimeter program is therefore planned to succeed in bringing everything into the agenda of the Head of State. This Monday, Emmanuel Macron will therefore, like hundreds of other leaders, be present at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth. These will begin at 11 a.m. London time and end at 7.30 p.m. for the burial of the monarch, in a ceremony reserved for members of the royal family only. Two days in one That’s when that the French president will slip away to catch a flight to New York, where he is expected to have dinner with United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres. Together they should discuss many topics, including the conflict in Ukraine and the COP27 environmental summit, which will open in Egypt at the beginning of November. This is where the time difference should play in his favour: the five hours less between New York and London will allow him to arrive in the middle of the evening at the opening of the UN summit and to continue his (very) long day. According to the Elysée, Emmanuel Macron will remain until Wednesday, September 21 in the States -United. He will spend his Tuesday morning meeting with several leaders, before speaking at the rostrum of the United Nations General Assembly, his first speech in the UN hemicycle since he was re-elected. Until Wednesday, the President should take part in several meetings, in particular on the subject of the issue of food security. He will participate in the Global Fund replenishment conference on the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. His return on Wednesday will therefore postpone the weekly Council of Ministers.