“Renaissance” officially succeeds LREM – Ouest-France

The Republic on the move no longer exists, make way for the Renaissance movement. The new statutes of LREM were adopted by 87% of members, Saturday, September 17, during the congress of the presidential movement at the Carrousel du Louvre, in Paris. The corpus of values ​​appealed to 96% of members, and governance 83%. Some 25,000 to 26,000 members were called upon, from Friday to Saturday noon, to vote on these three themes. Stéphane Séjourné, former collaborator of the Head of State and president of the Renaissance MEPs, is the new boss of the movement. He succeeds Stanislas Guerini. A collegial leadership He intends to surround himself with a collegial leadership including representatives of the associated parties Agir and Territories of Progress (Franck Riester and Olivier Dussopt), but also and above all contenders for the leading roles for the 2027 presidential election. including ministers Bruno Le Maire, who will be in charge of ideas, and Gérald Darmanin, who will be responsible for training. The management will also include Minister Delegate Clément Beaune (international) and Secretary of State Bérengère Couillard (relations with members) or even the president of the Renaissance group in the Assembly Aurore Bergé, in charge of the response. Unity and overcoming is what I want to give this evening, said Emmanuel Macron in a video broadcast during the congress. We have been able to reconcile so many women and men who until now did not work together and it is united and united that we are going to open a new chapter in the political life of our country, also declared the Head of State, now honorary president of Renaissance. Present at the meeting, Elisabeth Borne once again pleaded for the political overcoming between the right and the left advocated by the Head of State. I will also be there to ensure the unity of the majority which will only succeed if it is based on its three pillars, also said the Prime Minister in reference to Horizons, the party of Édouard Philippe, present at the Carrousel, and at the Modem of François Bayrou who, expected, was absent. The presidential election in the line of sight The new statutes of the party, which has claimed up to 400,000 members without obligation to contribute, should introduce paid membership, as well as ballots for local representatives, a point expected in a party with showed great difficulty in establishing itself at the local level. If the party will be called upon to present a candidate for the Élysée – Emmanuel Macron not being able to stand again – it will also have to agree with the autonomous components of the majority: the Modem of François Bayrou, and Horizons of the former Prime Minister Édouard Philip. Renaissance will have a lot to do, especially in the Assembly, where the presidential camp only holds a relative majority. After an extraordinary summer session without major clashes, the autumn menu promises to be complicated: bills on unemployment insurance, on renewable energies and orientation bill of the Ministry of the Interior, before the big back-to-school business: the budget. Government and majorities already seem to be preparing to trigger article 49.3, which allows the adoption of a text without a vote, except for a motion of censure. The debates of the PLFSS are likely to ignite with the hypothesis of an inclusion of the pension reform, mentioned Monday by the president. chevron_leftchevron_right