Bad weather in Italy: The death toll rises to 11 dead and two missing – 20 Minutes

The toll of bad weather, which hit the Marche region in central Italy, overnight from Thursday to Friday, increased on Saturday to 11 dead and two missing, authorities said. “The search continues to find the two missing”, according to a press release from the prefecture of Ancona. According to the local press, they are an eight-year-old child and a 56-year-old woman. Waterspouts, the equivalent of six months of rainfall in places, fell on the Marches, causing floods and torrents of mud. The water invaded the cellars, and many cars were carried away by the force of the current or buried under mudslides. Falling trees and landslides cut many local roads, complicating the work of the rescue workers. More rains expected Bad weather continued over much of Italy on Saturday, with strong winds on the west coast in particular, in Tuscany or Rome. In the Marches, more rains are expected and local authorities have called on residents to stay at home. “Abandon the ground floor of your house and take refuge on the upper floors”, asked his constituents the mayor of Senigallia, Massimo Olivetti. In Ravenna (east), the storm broke Saturday morning the moorings of a Norwegian cruise ship, the Viking Sea, with 870 passengers and 200 crew members on board. It took five tugs and hours of delicate maneuvers to stabilize the boat and then bring it back to dock.