With the extinction of the Louvre Pyramid, the government in flagrante delicto of contradiction – The HuffPost

STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP The Louvre pyramid (here in 2020) will be extinguished at 11 p.m. and no longer at 1 a.m. STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP The Louvre pyramid (here in 2020) will be extinguished at 11 p.m. and no longer at 1 a.m. POLITICS – Wednesday September 14, Paris, press conference on the energy situation. Asked about the decision of the town hall of Paris to turn off the Eiffel Tower earlier to save electricity, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne expresses her skepticism. “If we cut off the lighting in the middle of the night at times when we don’t have a peak in consumption and at the same time we are in the process of impacting (for example) the tourist attractiveness of a city, it’s something that deserves to be watched, ”swept the tenant of Matignon. A line repeated on Friday September 16 by the Minister for Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher. “Sobriety is not stopping living, it’s not stopping working, it’s not stopping receiving tourists,” she said on BFMTV. However, barely 24 hours later, the government’s message is the exact opposite. Invited to France 2 this Saturday, September 17, Rima Abdul-Malak announced on franceinfo that the Louvre Pyramid will be turned off earlier, at 11 p.m. instead of one in the morning. “Symbols are important” “We are also going to turn off the facade of the Palace of Versailles at 10 p.m. instead of 11 p.m. next week,” added the Minister of Culture, arguing that “symbols are important to raise awareness among the population” . Backpedaling in good and due form, since the “tourist” nature of the monuments mentioned (Louvre and Château de Versailles) as well as the late hours mentioned were precisely part of the arguments brandished by Élisabeth Borne and Agnès Pannier-Runacher to exhaust the measure taken by Anne Hidalgo about the Eiffel Tower. Which, of course, did not go unnoticed on the side of the Hôtel de Ville. “This announcement comes only 3 days after Elisabeth Borne considered the early extinction of the Eiffel Tower by the City of Paris to be inappropriate… As is often the case in terms of ecology, the government begins by criticizing Anne Hidalgo before rallying to her position “, tackled on Twitter Rémi Féraud, president of the majority group Paris en Commun at the Council of Paris. A contradiction also pinned on the same social network by ex-MP LR Julien Aubert. Okay, so @AgnesRunacher and @RimaAbdulMalak, we should agree: one says white, the other black. This government… https://t.co/KQta3EEMyw — Julien Aubert (@JulienAubert84) See the tweet The mayor of Paris announced during the week several sobriety measures such as the reduction of ornamental lighting or the temperatures of buildings and swimming pools to reduce energy consumption in the capital by 10%, ie “the objective requested at the national level”. While energy prices are rising against a backdrop of war in Ukraine and a “risk of tension” exists on the electricity network, the government is placing priority on “sobriety” to get through the winter without too many problems. See also on The HuffPost: You cannot view this content because you have refused the cookies associated with content from third parties. If you want to view this content, you can change your choices.