LIVE/ The scars left by tropical storm Fiona on the Guadeloupe archipelago – Guadeloupe the 1st – Overseas the 1st

Tropical Storm Fiona has ravaged part of Guadeloupe. The areas submerged by the swell, flooded by rivers or canals in flood, or where rainwater has infiltrated into homes are numerous. Let’s take a tour of the municipalities, in pictures. Guadeloupe La 1ère • Published on September 17, 2022 at 10:02 a.m., updated on September 17, 2022 at 11:33 a.m. This morning, during the intervention of the prefect Alexandre Rochatte, on Guadeloupe La 1ère la radio, we learned of the death of a man , resident of Rivière des Pères, district of Basse-Terre very impacted by heavy rains and swell. The body of the unfortunate was found, in the morning, on the side of the road, near the rocks. His house was swept away by the waters and, presumably, he with it. Fiona has killed, in Guadeloupe. The tropical storm also caused significant damage in several municipalities of the archipelago. It is above all the waters, the swell, the rivers in flood and the heavy rains, which are at the origin of the stigmata observed in the territory, upon awakening this Saturday, September 17, 2022.