Von der Leyen promises to keep up the pressure against Russia: “Sanctions are here to stay”

The European Union will put up 100 million euros to support the reconstruction of Ukrainian schoolsVon der Leyen says Europeans can “be proud” of their response to the warThe first major war on European soil since the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s last century “is not only a war launched by Russia against Ukraine, Europe also has a lesson to learn from it.” The president of the European Commission, Úrsula Von der Leyen, had her moment of glory this Wednesday in Strasbourg. The European institutions, since 2010 with the then president José Manuel Durao Barroso, launched an exercise that copied the speech on the state of the Union of the American presidents. It is the beginning of the political course, the day to list the priorities, now placed on the war and on how to deal with the crazy energy prices. Von der Leyen says that Europeans can “be proud” of their response to the war . “We responded strictly and immediately since the Russian troops invaded Ukraine. This is a test because this is not just an attack on Ukraine, it is a war for our energy, our economy, our values ​​and our future.” Von der Leyen, before a packed chamber and with Olena Zelenska, wife of Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky, at her side as a personal guest, also said that the war is “autocracy against democracy, but I am convinced that with the necessary solidarity Putin will fail and Ukraine and Europe will win.” The president and the commissioners dressed in blue and yellow, the colors of the Ukrainian flag. Some correspondent said that they looked more like Ryanair stewardesses. The Commissioners did not have to wear yellow suits, to the delight of Josep Borrell. The thing about autocracy against democracy and values ​​is used by the European institutions, but only the tip. The president of the European Council Charles Michel met yesterday with the leaders of the Saudi autocracy to ensure that relations are oiled, as well as the supply of oil. Von der Leyen, a woman who, after the departure of Angela Merkel (and her party) from power in Germany, seems to have broken the threads that tied her to Berlin, assured that “courage has a name and it is that of a Ukraine, glory to a country of European heroes”. The lesson that Von der Leyen spoke of refers to how for decades the European institutions and Western European diplomacies did not listen to the warnings that countries like Poland or the Baltics made about Russia. Although now what these countries say is not heard either, as they assure that neither the arms shipments are enough nor the sanctions are as harsh as they should be. Von der Leyen also made announcements. The European Union will put up 100 million euros to support the reconstruction of Ukrainian schools damaged in the fighting. Von der Leyen travels to kyiv this afternoon to announce these aids to Zelensky. And she asked to maintain the sanctions at all costs. “They work,” the president said. “Aeroflot has the planes on the ground because they don’t have spare parts, the Russian Army uses chips for dishwashers and refrigerators because they don’t have semiconductors.” The president went from war to energy. Von der Leyen, without going into technical details, said that the European Commission will propose in its plan that the energy ministers approve “a ceiling on the income of companies that produce electricity at low cost” (renewables, nuclear, hydroelectric but also producers that use fossil fuels, such as oil companies). The governments will be discussing the package until another extraordinary meeting, to be held in Brussels on September 30. Von der Leyen opened the door to a reform of the electricity market that the Spanish government has been requesting for a year and that is gradually making its way into the European institutions: “Electricity prices must be decoupled from the dominant influence of gas, there will be a profound and global reform of the European electricity market”. The president also announced the creation of a new public bank dedicated to financing green hydrogen and with the capacity to invest 3,000 million euros a year. Von der Leyen also spoke about new energy supply routes and how countries like the United States and Norway are increasing their gas shipments to Europe. Today she did not name Azerbaijan, it was ugly after this country has been attacking Armenian troops for two days. War and energy gave way to the internal affairs of everyday European life. The President announced that the Commission will present its proposal to reform the Stability Pact in October, but you, the NIUS reader, already knew that.

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